Guestbook - Archive
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05.1999 - 05.2007


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Name: Roger Enevoldsen
E-mail address:
Comments: Ahoy Katrin! I am honored to be the first to sign your guestbook. I hope you do well your Sailor site. From what I see it looks very good. Hope you get lots of responses to it, and I'll certainly keep checking it! Take care. Roger from South Carolina, USA

Sunday May 16th 1999 06:28:00

Name: Michael Dimech
E-mail address:
Comments: Hi Katrin Great to see another Sailor page on the web, just like "Harbour" and "Blue Desert" its another fantastic site too. Keep up great work. Record companies take notice, the fans are out there all over the world (including Australia). Its time to re-release Sailor's back catalogue.

Monday May 17th 1999 12:39:39

Name: Karsten Wagner
E-mail address:
Comments: Ahoy little sister! Great to be the third one in your guestbook! Alle guten Dinge sind 3 ~~~ Greetings from your brother ~Cap K~

Monday May 17th 1999 03:33:20

Name: Gerd Schwonke
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Ahoi Katrin, gerade eben habe ich dein e-mail gelesen, deshalb möchte ich mich auch gleich in dein gästebuch eintragen. Deweiteren möcht ich mich bei die noch einmal öffentlich bedanken, für die viele Mühe die du dir machst für uns SAILOR- fans. Viellen, vielen, vielen Dank. Tschüss und Ahoi Gerd Schwonke

Monday May 17th 1999 04:09:30

Name: James McCarraher
E-mail address:
Comments: Ahoy Katrin.What a neat little site! How wonderful to have another Sailor page to look at. Nicely presented and well thought out, it is a credit to Sailor. It would be nice if Phil, Henry Grant, Pete or Georg take a look from time to time. It would remind them just how much we all love the greatest band on earth!!!! Bye for now! James

Monday May 17th 1999 12:24:34

Name: Ludwig Bestehorn
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: I was here.

Monday May 17th 1999 02:54:19

Name: Jerry D. Withers
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Ahoy, Katrin! Just took a look at the site, and I must say, I'm impressed! Great job!! There's always room in the world for another SAILOR site!! Keep up the good work. "Passing time, peace of mind, far away from traffic jams and border signs, I'm floating..." (from PASSING TIME, written by Georg Kajanus, on the Kajanus/Pickett album HI HO SILVER!) Jerry.

Tuesday May 18th 1999 03:30:32

Name: Lothar Abhau
Comments: Ahoy Katrin! - and all Fans Friends. All the very best to all Sailor-freaks from Lothar Abhau / Kassel / Germany~~~~~~~~~

Wednesday May 19th 1999 03:26:21

Name: Müller, Christel
E-mail address:
Comments: Hello Katrin, I love your site!!!! It´s really fantastic. You`re doing a great job and I´m wishing you for the future all the best. Much Sailor L O V E Christel

Wednesday May 19th 1999 08:30:42

Name: Tommy Jivler
E-mail address:
Comments: Hello ! very nice to read Your Sailor homepage. It should be very interesting to read it in the future. Good Luck! Tommy Jivler Sailor listener since 1976 from Sweden.

Thursday May 20th 1999 11:53:39

Name: Wilma
E-mail address:
Comments: Ahoi Katrin! Of Course give cheese a chance. I adore your webside, everything is so developed and so green!!!!! Meet you at the pret! Thank you for the greetings and your wishes for tomorrow!! I'm so excited and in a Sailor-mood (my poor hubby....). The Irish moments in my life didn't fulfill their promises to write back - so do we all want him back???? Only as a nonsmoker!!!! For you the best and of course mabe we see us in Dortmund!!! Lots of love Wilma

Friday May 21st 1999 12:48:16

Name: Norbert Lorenz
E-mail address:
Comments: Ahoy Katrin, Thank´s for this nice Hompage and greetings to all Sailor-Fans in the world. "tschüß" Norbert

Tuesday June 1st 1999 05:27:10

Name: Frank Wißmann
Comments: Hallo, Sister K! Habe Deine Page besucht. Gefällt mir außerordentlich gut. Du hast dir aber Mühe gegeben. Das macht Laune, so etwas selber zu machen. Wie wär's mit einer Homepage zu Star Trek? Gibt's da welche :-)? Gruß Frank

Sunday June 6th 1999 11:04:04

Name: gerd
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Ahoi Katrin, Du bist ja schneller als ein Blitz, die Bilder sind gut geworden, genau so gut wie das SUPER - SAILOR Konzert in Bielstein. Es war schön, Euch alle kennenzulernen, besonders beeindruckend fand ich, dass Phil, Henry, Grant und natürlich auch Peter so kontaktfreudig waren nach dem Konzert beim Hotel. Solch ein Konzert sollte und muß man unbedingt weiter empfehlen und immer wieder wiederholen, denn es ist ein besonders schönes Erlebnis. tschüß bis bald. Gerd

Monday June 14th 1999 12:22:49

Name: Michael Wilken
E-mail address:
Comments: Hallo Katrin, wonderful homepage you've done! I'm impressed! Many greetings to all Sailor Fans over the world, especially to Karsten! Schön , Euch in Bielstein am 12.6.99 kennengelernt zu haben! Danke! Michael Wilken Lindenhofstr. 8 D-28237 Bremen

Wednesday June 16th 1999 04:45:11

Name: Michael Wilken, Bremen
E-mail address:
Comments: Hallo, Katrin viele Grüße aus Bremen! Ich hatte mich zwar schon gestern hier eingetragen, aber das hat wohl nicht funktioniert! Like to have e-mails from all Sailor fans! See you in the next concert! - Michael -

Thursday June 17th 1999 12:10:33

Name: Andrea
Comments: Hi Katrin! Great sites!!! It's much fun to surf on'em! Keep up the good work!!! Very best wishes to all Sailor fans in the universe. Andrea

Monday June 21st 1999 04:45:19

Name: Monika
Comments: Hi, Katrin! Many greetings from the Sailor-Crew-Kassel-Members Lothar, Monika und Nils. Your home page is really marvellous. See you Tuesday!?

Thursday June 24th 1999 07:48:56

Name: Lody
E-mail address:
Comments: Hi Katrin, visited you're homepage often but allways forgot to sign you're guestbook. It's magnificent!! I will go to another Sailor concert for sure. It's unlike anything you can imagine. Meeting the band was unreal, it brings you down to earth. And to all of you Sailor fans: keep signing the list for the release of there last 3 albums at The Blue desert. Greetings to all the fans who were at the Wiehl concert, Lody

Sunday June 27th 1999 01:59:22

Name: Piet Scheffer
E-mail address:
Comments: Hello Katrin, I am just boarding the World Wide Web since 01-07-99 and for a try out I visited your site, looks great. I hope to visit a next Sailor event with Lody (my brother) in a place nearby us. Many greetings and keep those mails coming to Lody or now me

Wednesday June 30th 1999 11:14:15

Name: Alexander Loitsch
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hallo, Leute! Die Seite ist echt cool! Nur weiter so ;-) Grüße, alex... --------------- ------------------- Hi, folks! This site is great! Keep on building! greetings,

Tuesday July 6th 1999 05:37:52

Name: Roger Enevoldsen
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Ahoy Katrin! Just checked the site again, and everything looks great! I'm very impressed with what you're doing with the site. I only wish that I could come to Germany to see a Sailor concert! Best wishes from SC, USA...Roger

Saturday July 17th 1999 05:16:42

Name: Quiddy
Comments: Ahoy Sweet little sister "K"! What a nice site! Meet you in November at the Lokhalle Göttingen! ~~~ See you on the road!

Sunday July 18th 1999 12:52:03

Name: Wilma
E-mail address:
Comments: Ahoi Katrin!! A new fan for the Sailor-Universe! Since today for the rest of our life!! His name: Kevin, his age 3 1/2 years, big blue eyes and blond hair and he loves music! I hope he grows up soon, so I can take him to all the gigs!!! So this will be my last visit at your webside, because I've to stay at home the next months (years?) and play "mama". No more working.... Please ring me up.... Auf Wiedersehen, it was nice to surf on Sailor waves. (and my English is not yet better!) Lots of love to everybody Wilma

Tuesday July 20th 1999 05:46:31

Name: Jerry D. Withers
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Katrin: Had a bit of trouble getting this message in the chatroom, so I'll try it this way: Just had a look at the singles page and *I* *AM* *JEALOUS!!!* :) You and Norbert seem to have uncovered singles that I didn't even know existed before (but then, how hard is that?). A primo piece of detective work worthy of "Mr. Romero". Well done! See you all down by the Harbour. Jerry.

Friday July 23rd 1999 04:11:28

Name: Melanie Wacker
E-mail address:
Comments: Hallo Katrin! Gruss aus dem fernen New York. Tolle Web-Site! Ahoi, Melanie

Monday July 26th 1999 04:33:00


Tuesday July 27th 1999 09:26:00

Name: Roger Enevoldsen
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Ahoy again, Katrin! I finally figured out how to use the chat room! Now all I have to do is be there when someone else is there! Looking forward to talking to the many Sailor fans around the world, especially Katrin and Karsten! A big hand for both of you for your appreciation of Sailor and sharing your knowledge and love of Sailor with us! Roger in SC, USA

Friday July 30th 1999 10:43:24

Name: Christian
E-mail address:
Comments: Aloha Katrin !!!! Vielen Dank für Deine Unterstützung im Gestebuch des Hr3. Endlich mal jemand, der so denk wie ich. Mahalo und tschüss Christian

Thursday August 5th 1999 07:39:19

Name: Sirka
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hallo Ihr Lieben, ich wollte wenigstens auch mal einen kleinen Gruß aus Kassel hier hinterlassen. Die Site ist wirklich supi, bin schwer begeistert!!! *winkundwedel* Sirka

Tuesday August 10th 1999 02:21:57

Name: Gerd
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hallo und Ahoi Katrin, das CD Cover der neuen SAILOR CD ist aber sehr komisch und ungewohnt, gefällt mir persönlich gar nicht !! Und Dir ?? Es wird Zeit daß es wiedereinmal was neues von den Jungs gibt, vieleicht wieder mit einem schönen CD Cover, wie z.B.: Hideway, SAILOR ( mit dem blauen Nickelodeon ) oder Street Lamp, usw. Tschüß bis bald Gerd

Thursday August 12th 1999 01:19:46

Name: Jerry D. Withers
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Ahoy again! Say, here's a question I'll bet no one's thought to ask... Whatever happened to Virginia and Gavin David? Just curious.

Tuesday September 14th 1999 02:47:00

Name: Harald Heinze
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hallo, Katrin, ja, wir hatten das Glück, beim Hessentag 1994 in Groß-Gerau vor "Sailor" spielen zu dürfen. Es war ein großes Erlebnis. Viele Grüße aus Nauheim. Harald

Sunday October 3rd 1999 02:09:48

Name: Ali Simmons
E-mail address:
Comments: I've been looking for years for the music of Sailor. I heard them on a tape many many years ago, and I've always wanted to get a tape/CD. Do you know where I can get any of their music? Thanks for the sailor page, excellent. Ali

Friday October 15th 1999 01:10:17

Name: Roger Enevoldsen
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Ahoy again, Katrin! Great photos from the Münster concert! How do you do it? I am so envious! One day though, maybe I'll be able to come to Germany for a Sailor show! I hope that Anthony filled Henry's shoes well! Regards from SC, USA. Roger.

Monday October 25th 1999 10:56:30

Name: Isabel Worden-Klym
E-mail address:
Comments: Ahoy, Katrin! You've got a wonderful site; very comparable to the Blue Desert and Harbour. Never been to see Sailor, but lived in Deutschland (BRD) 1975-1977 and saw them on "telly" ( lived in England, 1986-1989). Sad to hear about Henry, but it looks like Anthony will work out. Just wish I could see Sailor.

Tuesday October 26th 1999 10:39:21

Name: Martin Werner
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Ahoi Katrin, endlich mal ne tolle Seite zu SAILOR. Hast Dir wirklich viel Arbeit gemacht. Weiter so !

Sunday October 31st 1999 01:43:36

Name: Marvellinchen
E-mail address:
Comments: Hi, Kathrin! Viele Grüße von einer fleißigen Studentin, die gerade Mal eine kleine Verschnaufpause und Erkundungsphase bezüglich Internet einlegt. Leider habe ich gerade einen schwarz-weiß-Bildschirm vor mir, so daß ich Deine homepage nicht in voller Pracht bestaunen kann. Na ja, vielleicht klappt's ja das nächste Mal. Bis bald, Moni

Thursday November 11th 1999 03:44:34

Name: Wilma
E-mail address:
Comments: Hi Katrin! Ich darf wirklich!!! Hast Du gut gemacht!! Looking forward to meet Caspar and show you Kevin... Sag mir wann....... Ansonsten - nimmst Du Mau Mau mit???? Take cheese a chance! Lots of love to erveryone!! Wilma

Sunday November 28th 1999 12:10:43

Name: Michael Wilken
E-mail address:
Comments: Hallo und Ahoy, Katrin und Karsten, ich wünsche Euch ein frohe Weihnacht und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahrtausend! Ich möchte mich auf diesem Weg nochmal bedanken für die viele, viele Arbeit, die Ihr Euch mit dieser wunderbaren Homepage macht. Und vor allem für die stets aktuellen Infos und Fotos! Bis bald in einem der nächsten Konzerte?! Many greetings to all Sailor-Fans round the world, merry christmas and a happy new year! Same to Georg, Grant, Henry, Phil, Pete and Anthony. Michael Wilken Bremen

Thursday December 16th 1999 02:34:32

Name: Jerry D. Withers
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Ahoy, everyone! Just a note to let you all know that while "Harbour" has been knocked down, it's not as completely out as I thought it first was. I'll be rebuilding it whenever time permits, but since "Marinero" mirrors a lot of what I had originally, I see no reason to duplicate it. But there are still a few goodies that survived, such as "Any Port On The Internet" and Tim Dry's brief yet convoluted history of NOIR. It's not much, but for now, it's all there is. But take heart. Harbour WILL sail again! Just thought you'd like to know. Best wishes to all, Jerry.

Thursday December 23rd 1999 04:25:55

Name: Gerd Schwonke
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Ahoi und Hallo an alle SAILOR - Fan's Ich wünsche allen SAILOR - Fan's ein fröhliches und besinnliches Weihnachtsfest Einen besonderes Dankechön geht an Katrin, Jerry und Glenn, die es überhaupt erst möglich gemacht haben unsere frühre Pop- Idole ein wenig näher kennenzulernen und daduch auch heute noch einen engen persönlichen Kontakt durch Konzert- besuche usw. aufrecht zu erhalten. Ich persönlich bin sehr stolz auf diese Gruppe SAILOR, daß diese Popgruppe es geschafft hat 25 Jahr auf dem Markt zu bleiben ( auch wenn es ein paar Unterbrechungen gab ) Mein größter Wunsch wäre, daß ich meine Jugend IDOLE von damals ~ ~ ~ SAILOR - Orginalband Georg Kajanus, Grant Serpell, Henry Marsh und Phil Pickett ~ ~ ~ die ich heute noch genau so verehre wie damals, noch einmal vereint und mit riesigen Erfolgen auf der Bühne sehen würde. Vieleicht hat der Weihnachtsmann meinen Wunsch gehört ( gelesen ) und erfüllt mir meinen Wunsch irgendwann, irgendwie, irgendwo!!!!
Tschüß und Ahoi Gerd Schwonke !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Frohe Weihnachten noch mal an alle !!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday December 24th 1999 08:27:29


Saturday January 8th 2000 10:06:29

Name: Wilma
E-mail address:
Comments: Ahoi allen Seeleuten auf den Meeren diesseits und jenseits im noch nicht ganz neuen Jahrtausend (erst nächstes Jahr). Euch allen die besten Wellen, Winde, Schiffe und Häfen.. (und Girls)...
"O Himmel, strahlender Azur! Enormer Wind, die Segel bläh! Laßt Wind und Himmel fahren! Nur Laßt uns um Sankt Marie die See!" (B.B.) Lieber Uli, Dir und Euch allen viel Spaß in Bremen, der Hansestadt, ich wäre gerne auch dort herumgeschippert und hätte mir mit Euch alles um die Nase wehen lassen. Bremen ist eine tolle Stadt... Leider kann ich nicht. Danke Katrin für Deine Post und da wir ja bald über das Meer zwar nicht segeln, so doch fliegen, brauche ich noch genaue Daten. Bin Freitag bis Montag in Bochum. "Noch einmal schmeißt die letzte Welle Zum Himmel das verfluchte Schiff Und da, in ihrer letzten Helle Erkennen sie das große Riff. Und ganz zuletzt in höchsten Masten War es, weil Sturm so gar laut schrie Als ob sie, die zur Hölle rasten Noch einmal sangen, laut wie nie: [...] Nur Laßt uns um Sankt Marie die See!"(s.o.)

Monday January 10th 2000 07:28:24

Name: Claudia
E-mail address:
Comments: Hallo, ich grüße alle SAILOR Fans von damals und heute. Just for fun habe ich diese webpage besucht, weil ich vor vielen Jahren auch ein großer Fan von SAILOR war, als sie noch in ihrer Originalbesetzung Georg-Henry-Phil-Grant spielten. Meine Freundinnen und ich haben sie damals sogar privat zu Hause besuchen dürfen.
If you can read this , kind regards especially to Michelle ! Ich freue mich jedenfalls zu sehen, dass es auch heute noch viele Fans von SAILOR gibt.
Ahoi !!!

Friday January 14th 2000 06:00:31

Name: stephen hall
E-mail address:
Comments: do you know where I can buy CDs Hideaway, Legacy, Live in Berlin

Wednesday February 2nd 2000 01:21:32

Name: Christel Müller
E-mail address:
Comments: Hello Katrin, your photos from the Dortmund concert were
-- M A R V E L L O U S -- . It was a hard, but very nice concert, I mean the Sailor one. Take Care Christel

Wednesday February 2nd 2000 05:41:08

Name: Stephen
E-mail address:
Comments: Where I can a cd of Data albums? Opera Electronica , 2 time etc.

Saturday February 19th 2000 02:44:16

Name: Bill Bilodeau
E-mail address:
Comments: Greetings, I'm overwhelmed.I thought I was the only Sailor fan in the world.I bought Trouble back in the 70's and have played it off and on since then.I guess I live a sheltered life.Thank GOD for the web.Can anyone tell me where,if available,to get a copy of Trouble on CD?

Monday February 28th 2000 06:05:40

Name: Horst Götz
E-mail address:
Comments: Hallo und Ahoi an alle Sailor Fans, wie sich Katrin dafür einsetzt mit sehr viel Mühe und Engagement, trotz Ihrer Ausbildung, unsere Lieblingsgruppe Sailor mit sehr schönen Bildern und Informationen uns näher zu bringen ist unglaublich! Sie hat mich wieder an den Punkt gebracht der bei mir ein „Kribbeln im Bauch“ auslöst, sobald ich irgend etwas von Sailor höre, so wie vor 25 Jahren. Mit der Übersetzung meiner Fangeschichte und deren Übersetzung ins Englische hat sie mir eine riesige Freude gemacht, für Ihre Bemühungen möchte ich mich bei ihr noch einmal recht herzlich bedanken. Liebe Katrin, bitte mach weiter so, Du machst allen Sailor Fans sehr sehr viel Freude! Horst Götz

Wednesday March 15th 2000 09:22:56

Name: Christel
E-mail address:
Comments: Hello Katrin, my gmx-e-mail-programm is broken (hardwareproblem of gmx). Sometimes I cannot read my post, but to send emails is impossible. Hope they find the mistake soon. I read your email about Karsten. I feel sorry (:-(. Please give him my regards. By the way I bought S Club 7. The song is great. I`ll make you a copy and send to you. --This week was not my week, but I´ll tell it later to you. Take Care and have a nice weekend. Christel

Thursday March 16th 2000 08:41:12

Name: Winsome
E-mail address:
Comments: Hi, I was so excited to find your wonderful site on Sailor. I am Australian and have been a fan of Sailor since I was a teenager. Unfortunatley all my Sailor Albums were destroyed by heat and now I cannot listen to their wonderful music anymore. I would love information on where I can purchace the original albums on CD as I have tried in Australia without success.

Sunday March 26th 2000 04:27:27

Name: Falki
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Howdy Folks, die Westernstadt aus Sachsen Anhalt grüßt den rest der Welt. Hätte nichs dagegen wenn Sailor mal zu besuch in Little Big Town ist und uns mal ordendlich einheizt. So long and keep it Country the lone rider Falki

Thursday March 30th 2000 09:15:53

Name: Gerd Schwonke
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Unter könnt Ihr folgenden Nachricht lesen!!
Accumulator von Data Audio CD: (23. Januar 1996) CD Anzahl: 1 Label: October P; ASIN: B000026TW6 DIESER TITEL IST ZUR ZEIT NICHT VERFÜGBAR. Wir empfehlen, daß Sie gelegentlich diese Seite besuchen, um zu sehen, ob der Titelzwischenzeitlich wieder verfügbar ist.
Durchschnittliche Hörerbewertung: Zahl der Rezensionen: 1 Schreiben Sie eine Online-Rezension, und teilen Sie Ihre Gedanken anderen Hörern mit!
1 *** Schwonke, Jahnstr.4, 77746 Schutterwald aus 77746 Schutterwald, Deutschland , 17. Februar 2000:
Die Musik von DATA war einfach Genial. Die Formation von DATA mit Ex - SAILOR Georg Kajanus als Kopf der Gruppe, war damals der Musikszene mit Ihrer Musik um einige Jahre voraus.Diese Musikrichtung war und ist immer noch sehr modisch und aktuell und einfach gesagt genial. Leider wurde diese Musik von DATA in Deutschland nicht so angenommen. Denoch bin ich der Meinung, daß diese Musik von DATA heute mehr Erfolg hätte als Sie je gehabt hatte. Diese CD von DATA "Accumulator" sollte eigendlich profesionell vermarktet werden, weil jetzt die Zeit reif ist für diese Musik von Georg Kajanus bzw. DATA. Als Abschluß möchte ich noch erwähnen, daß für mich, Georg Kajanus einer der besten Musikkomponisten ist, den es in den letzten 30 Jahren auf dem Musikmarkt gibt. Gruß Gerd Schwonke

Friday April 14th 2000 10:00:35

Name: Jans Leeuwerik
E-mail address:
Comments: Greetings from Australia Can anybody tell me where I can purchase Sailor CDs? I am unable to get them in Australia and it appears that the later ones were not released here. Any information is appreciated.........keep writing Georg... Regards Jans

Wednesday April 26th 2000 02:07:25

Name: Wilma
E-mail address:
Comments: Ahoi Everyone!! It was a wonderful evening in the "Thüringenhalle" in Erfurt, before and afterwards..... Thank you for the wonderful night (a very short one...) for the cokes and Mister (Jim) "Beam", thank you Sailor for being so marvellous, lots of love for the people from Gifhorn and....... (and at all thanks to the police not to stop me on my way back...) Greetings to Christel (gute Besserung) and everyone a tired and happy Sailor-Fan Katrin your photos are "unglaublich", I can't wait to see that video... Wilma

Tuesday May 2nd 2000 07:12:34

Name: Michael
E-mail address:
Comments: Hallo Sailor-Fans. Ich suche die CDs von DATA und Sailor live in Berlin sowie Legacy. Ich wäre auch mit einer / mehreren Audiocassetten zufrieden. Wer kann mir helfen? Ich wäre auch bereit mich von den Langspielplatten (ja, LPs) Sailor (1974), Trouble (1975), The Third Step (1976), Sailor (1990) gegen ??? zu trennen.

Wednesday May 3rd 2000 07:54:18

Name: Christine Braun-Rode
Comments: Hallo Katrin, ich hoffe, Du nimmst mich zum nächsten Konzert mit. Ich finde Peter auch zutal süß. Bring bitte das Video mit. Ich möchte das gerne mal angucken.

Thursday May 4th 2000 09:46:29

Name: Alex
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hi, Katrin! Your site is beautiful! I have many CD in my collection, but I have no CD of SAILOR or DATA. If it is possible, send me information, where I can buy CD of KAJANUS. Best regards from Russia.

Friday May 5th 2000 03:18:22

Name: Andy Browne
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Great to find some stuff about Sailor, Grant Serpell was my Chemistry Teacher in Reading during the 90's.

Monday May 15th 2000 05:41:04

E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hi, My 70s band,"WIG WAM BAMZ" cover Glass of Champagne live. It usually gets the girls,girls,girls,,,,up dancing!! Good luck!! Please come and hear my songs,and sign my book ??? JIMMY D:-):-):-):-):-):-)

Friday May 19th 2000 09:09:29

Name: Calle
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: I'm amazed! I just had a nostalgia trip, listening to all of my old SAILOR albums, and thought I should check the net if there was any information about the band. So I searched AltaVista for Georg Kajanus (yes, definitely my star in this band), and found your site. And a few others. I had no idea that there was still such an interest for SAILOR. That's nice, because when I listen to the records today, I still just love them. I have actually seen the band live - I must have been 13-14 years old, all dressed up in a white sailor's suit (I just loved the band), in the Concert House of Stockholm, 1975-1976 or so. Yes- it was an experience. I still regret that I didn't dare to try to go backstage for a handshake with my idols. Since then I always try to do that - which has led to many interesting meetings with great artists. I'm happy to read that Georg is still making music - and I'm fascinated to read his biography, which is not an inch less adventurous, original and romantic than the music and lyrics of SAILOR. Haul'em away!!!

Saturday June 10th 2000 05:03:02

Name: James P. Roberts
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Ahoy Katrin! Just in case Capt. K hasn't told you, I will be in Germany from September 14th through the 17th and I plan to attend Sailor's performance in Kamenz on the 16th. I will also spend some time in Kassel. Need to know if any Sailor fans will be going to Prague after the show? I'm flying out of Prague on the 17th. RSVP at e-mail address above. Very much looking forward to seeing you and the Captain then.

Sunday June 11th 2000 09:38:35

Name: stephen hall
E-mail address:
Comments: where can I buy Legacy CD? I'm desparate!!!

Sunday June 11th 2000 11:59:53

Name: Gerd Schwonke
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: An alle SAILOR und Georg Kajanus Fan’s !
Die CD von NOIR “ STRANGE DESIRE“ ist wiedereinmal ein Meiterstück von Georg Kajanus. Wer eine NOIR CD möchte sollte die direkt bei Tim Dry bestellen
Diese CD von NOIR ist wirklich sehr gut und empfehlenswert. Georg & Tim haben mit dieser CD bewiesen, daß Sie ein hervorragendes Team und Musiker sind. Diese NOIR – CD “ STRANGE DESIRE“ sollte eigentlich über eine Plattenfirma vermarktet werden denn ich Glaube an den Erfolg dieser supertollen CD von NOIR . Ich wünsche Georg & Tim viel Erfolg und Glück mit Ihrer Musik!
Gerd Schwonke
To all SAILOR and Georg Kajanus fans!
The CD from NOIR „Strange Desire“ is once again a masterpiece of Georg Kajanus. Who ever would like to have a CD of NOIR can order it through Tim Dry. This CD is very good and I recomment it to everyone.Georg and Tim have once again proved, with this CD, that they are excellent musicians. This CD should be marketed through a recording firm. I truly believe in the success of this CD „NOIR – Strange Desire“. I would like to wish Georg and Tim a lot of success and luck with their future endeverous.
Gerd Schwonke

Monday June 26th 2000 08:47:21

Name: Wolfgang Leisten
E-mail address:
Comments: Ahoi! Your message caught my eye on the Swedish Sweet- webpage 'Give us a link'. Of course I remember Sailor and their nickelodeon; and I'll be honest: when I was younger than today I also sometimes drank 'One drink too many'. Your webpage is great, so many thank for all the work you put in it. Regards Wolfgang (from Germany)

Friday June 30th 2000 06:21:22

Name: Phil Pickett
Comments: Greetings from s@ilor headquarters
Dear Wagners
Love the sound of your radio show --- Good luck!
The main news is that an artist Peter and I have discovered - Mark Vallance - who we are also producing writing songs for, is being chased by many major labels in the UK.....We will be recording an album with Mark over the Autumn. Which leads me to recording plans for your favourite group..::: -
When time frees up in the next 3-4 weeks Peter and I are in the studio with Grant and Anthony to record 2 or 3 songs for Uwe Kantack - Sailor's new manager based in Frankfurt, to find a label to relaunch our ship in Germany ! Everyone is very excited.. Be patient.. it will happen soon!
Send all the lovely loyal fans lots of love from the boyz.
All the best, Phil

Thursday July 20th 2000 12:51:55

Name: Hans-Peter
Comments: ich grüße den Cäptn K und marinero aus dem schönen Kellerwald. Eure Homepage ist klasse!

Monday July 31st 2000 12:15:28

Name: Jo-Jo
Comments: Alles Gute für die Sailor-Fans. Tolle Informationen über die Gruppe Sailor. Ich hoffe das noch viele Leute diese Seiten anschauen! Die Gruppe Sailor bringt heute noch gute Musik - wie sie es auch schon vor vielen Jahren gemacht hat. Schön wäre es auch wenn der ehemalige Frontmann sowie Henry wieder zurückkehren würden! Gruß Joachim

Monday July 31st 2000 12:25:07

Name: Lee Barnard
E-mail address:
Comments: Amazing Site, I did not think that Sailor were still with us - how wrong i was!!! I remember Sailor with great affection especially their appearances on Top of The Pops back in the 70's, Girls Girls Girls and Glass of Champagne were two of my favorites from that time. All though i am not a huge fan I'm really happy that they are still going strong. Keep up the good work - now were did i put those Sailor records!!! PS Was Dressed for Drowning ever released on CD - Can anybody who knows please e-mail me direct - Thanks

Sunday August 6th 2000 01:56:11

Name: Baarse vrijstaat
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Sailor was GREAT on the 05 augustua 2000 in the North of the Netherlands. Thank you Sailor for the great work what you have did by The 12e Dicky Woodstock Popfestival. Hope to see you again. Yoopsy

Monday August 7th 2000 03:09:31

Name: Christine Braun-Rode
Comments: Hahu süße, danke für das Autogramm von Peter. Ich bin gerade bei Student Holger und was treibst Du schönes? Schöne grüße an alle, bis Montag. Deine Cheffin

Wednesday August 9th 2000 11:39:05

Name: Münzy99
E-mail address:
Comments: Hi Katrin Thanks for the great site ! I found many informations here . Your brother Cap K told me to visit this site-it was a good idea . I'll come back Ciao Münzy99

Thursday August 10th 2000 02:31:34

Name: Volker
E-mail address:
Comments: Ahoi Katrin, Deine Seite ist einfach super. Hat mir unheimlich Spaß gemacht darin zu stöbern. Mach weiter so ! Es gibt wirklich wenig Fan-Seiten, die mit soviel Aufwand und Engagement erstellt werden. Wirklich toll ! Viele Grüße an Dich und an alle Sailor-Fans weltweit
P.S.: Kann mir vielleicht jemand sagen, wo ich "Hideaway" noch bekommen kann ?

Saturday August 12th 2000 03:22:53

Name: Inka
E-mail address:
Comments: Hallo Katrin!!! Schöne Grüße aus dem fernen Bremen sendet Dir Deine alte Konzert-Bekanntschaft (?) Inka. Ich hoffe, daß Du Dich inzwischen schon wieder etwas erholt hast, und daß diese Nachricht überhaupt ankommt. Bis auf weiteres verbleibe ich mit neckischen Grüßen, Tschüß, Inka.

Friday August 18th 2000 12:59:26

Name: ann
E-mail address:
Comments: I have the old sailor "trouble" album and I wondering if I can get a cd in Canada to replace the old 33?

Sunday August 27th 2000 08:37:27

Name: john crosby
E-mail address:
Comments: hi all well it's good to find more sailor fans out there ! just found this wonderful site today,after my first love of 10cc there was sailor........ any feedback from fans welcome,looking out for sailor cd's regards john

Thursday August 31st 2000 12:06:47

Name: Jerry D. Withers
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Ahoy! I found *another* related recording!: TOAST Flowers Never Bend With The Rainfall/Summer Of Miranda CBS 4768 (1970) The personnel were: Henry Marsh (guitars, keyboards, vocals) John G. Perry (bass, vocals) Simon Byrne (drums, vocals) Sound familiar? You guessed it... pre-Gringo, without Casey. This discography stuff never ends. :) Best wishes to all the Sailor fans, from the ol' Harbourmaster. Jerry

Wednesday September 13th 2000 06:56:16

Name: ~Katrin
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Ahoy, in Kamenz (Germany) last Saturday, 16 September 2000: I would like to say a big thank you to Wilma for making it possible for me to listen to "The Secretary", "The Latino Meldley", "A Glass Of Champagne - Reprise" and their special encore via mobile phone during SAILOR's live performance! It was absolutely marvellous that they sounded so good, even on the telephone 550 kilometers away...
*** Hi Wilma, das war echt lieb von Dir!!! ***
SAILOR-greetings, ~Katrin
So play Nickelodeon play, bring back the bright golden days, play Nickelodeon, with an accordion, play me the songs that I love...

Monday September 18th 2000 07:24:30

Name: Christel
E-mail address:
Comments: Hello Wilma, I´ve heard from Katrin, that you had visited the concert in Kamenz. Thank you for being there, so Sailor felt not alone. :-) Sorry, that we couldn´t come but we will looking forward to Bremerhaven. Maybe this time nothing crossing our plans. Lovely regards to all of you. Christel

Monday September 18th 2000 09:26:44

Name: Wilma
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Ahoi friends! Thank you for the messages. I would have liked to share this wonderful gig with you. With 10.000 people in the audience - wonderful weather - great athmosphere --- nobody felt alone. A very special thanks to the very nice road builders near Kamenz, Hoyerswerda and espc. to the logic people in Ottendorf-Okrilla! I really love "Umleitungen" - it makes life interesting!!! And nearly everybody would like to visit famous Okrilla for one hour just to find the way to the "Autobahn".......... But Kamenz and Hoyerswerda have been very nice and I would like to say: thank you!!!!! "Some more Jim Beam please!" Buena vista and maybe congratulation gran(t)dpa! Wilma
"Oh, show us the way to the next whiskey-bar Oh, don't ask why, oh, don't ask why For if we don't find the next whiskey-bar I tell you we must die! I tell you we must die! Oh! Moon of Alabama We now must say good-bye We've lost our good old mamma And must have whiskey Oh! You know why." ....... B Brecht!

Monday September 18th 2000 10:33:00

Name: horst thiel
Comments: hallo, ich bin einer der wenigen glücklichen, die alle cd`s und lp`s von sailor haben. und ich bin stolz darauf. beruflich konnte ich leider nicht sehr viele konzerte sehen aber macht bitte weiter so, vielleicht auch wieder mit allen sailor`s an bord. ich versuche, dem sailor club beizutreten meine handy-nr. 0175-7853631 gruß horst

Friday October 20th 2000 08:59:44

Name: Teuta - Tirana, Albania
Comments: I'm not just another Albanian blond bimbo - but when I heard "A Glass of Champagne" at downtown bar in Tirana, Albania the other night, I was flooded with memories (ah, 1976!) - Thank You "Sailor!"

Monday October 23rd 2000 06:42:46

Name: G.Dubrovin
E-mail address:
Comments: Greetings from Russia! I remember 1976. "Girls girls girls" was among the really greatest melodies. Now my little son dances foxtrot to it. I tell him "This was Sailor" But he answers "I don't care." Can't find .mp3 file yet. Pity.

Monday November 6th 2000 07:47:40

Name: Lars Ulveraker
E-mail address:
Comments: Hi there! I have been offline for a couple of monthts, and it's good to be back. I have been searching for the Sailor Live CD without any luck. Can anybody help me!!!!!! Regards Lars from Norway

Saturday November 11th 2000 06:25:23

Name: Nobbi
E-mail address:
Comments: Katrin for Bundestrainer!!!

Sunday November 12th 2000 11:28:27

Name: Wilma
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hi Katrin! Thank You for the nice package!!!!! And Phil!! Today must be your ....'s birthday? Happy Birthday!!!! Love for everyone and please take care with driving Wilma

Sunday November 19th 2000 08:55:45

Name: Kirsten Ringel
E-mail address:
Comments: Hallo, da ich auf MD umgestellt habe, hätte ich 2 MCs (tadelloser Zustand) abzugeben: SAILOR "Live" (1975) und "On Air" aus dem früheren SAILOR-Club-Angebot. Wer möchte sie gegen Porto- und Verpackungsersatz geschenkt?

Sunday November 26th 2000 05:33:16

Name: Intersurf Radio, die interaktive Community
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: it is a cool Web page, i hope we see Sailor by Intersurf Radio in the Chat. Intersurf Radio the power Station on Internet. The one ond only *g*

Sunday November 26th 2000 10:21:51

Name: Cap K
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hi Sister Katrin! Hello Sailor! Seems like this is the official Sailor site at the moment (I heard) ~grin~. Let's see if >I< can make music too, with my two girls in the band: Sabine and Ute (Queenie) Sailorlove: Cap K~~~~~ *** *** ***

Tuesday December 5th 2000 11:15:35

Name: Danny
E-mail address:
Comments: 'Jacaranda' is the best piece of music ever recorded.

Thursday December 7th 2000 04:55:03

Name: Christel
E-mail address:
Homepage URL: Merry X-mas
Comments: To all sailor fans and Anthony, Grant, Pete and Phil. Merry X-mas and a happy New Year. Hope to see you once again next year. Lovely regards Christel

Monday December 25th 2000 03:22:54

Name: Hirokazu Hori
E-mail address:
Comments: Hallo Sailor-Fans. News from Japan.Sailor's album"HIDEAWAY"@@ will reissue!!, at february.Don't miss it!!

Wednesday December 27th 2000 11:22:11

Name: Marika
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hallo Katrin, nachdem Du Dich in mein Gästebuch eingetragen hast, war ich doch neugierig, wie Deine Seite ausschaut. Und ich bin echt begeistert. Da gibt es - außer mir - noch so einen Fan, der fast seine ganze Freizeit für die Webseite einer Band opfert.Kaum zu glauben. Aber Hut ab - ist Dir echt gut gelungen. Viele Grüße Marika

Wednesday January 3rd 2001 11:02:34

Name: Heiner Imdahl
Comments: Ein freundliches Ahoi an Dich Katrin und an alle Sailor-Fans! Ich wünsche uns allen, daß wir an unserer Lieblingsband noch viel Freude haben werden und daß das Projekt mit der neuen CD den erhofften Erfolg haben wird. Informiere und doch bitte über das angebliche Re-Release der LP(CD) Hideaway in Japan. Ich denke, es besteht ein großes Interesse. Viele Grüße Heiner

Thursday January 4th 2001 11:33:46

Name: Gerd Schwonke
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hi SAILOR Fan's wer möchte ein SAILOR T-Shirt geschenkt bekommen, daß ich 1999 selbst entworfen habe und auch machen lassen, zu meinem ersten SAILOR Konzert 1999 in Wiehl / Bielstein. Wer Interesse hat soll mir seine Adresse per Mail zu Mailen. ( Das T- Shirt kann man auf der Hompage con Cap K sehen ) Wer mir die SAILOR Maxi Singel " Down by the Docks " besorgen kann wird bevorzugt (soll aber kein Tausch sein, ich werde die Maxi- Singel auch anständig bezahlen.) Tschüß und Ahoi Gerd Schwonke

Monday January 15th 2001 11:37:29

Name: Tim
E-mail address:
Comments: Its great to see that there are other Sailor fans out there. I thought I was the one of the few. Keep up the good work.

Tuesday January 16th 2001 04:25:26

Name: Hansjörg
E-mail address:
Comments: Hallo, was für eine fantastische Homepage! Sehr informativ und liebevoll gemacht. Einfach klasse! Ich bin seit "A Glass of Champagne" ein großer Sailor-Fan und finde, dass Georg Kajanus ein Pop-Genie ist. Die Alben "Trouble" und "The Third Step" gehören zu den besten Pop-LPs aller Zeiten. Leider habe ich die Band nie live gesehen. Schade, dass ihr wunderbares Album "Street Lamp" nicht das erhoffte Comeback der Originalbesetzung brachte. Gibt es irgendwo "Trouble" auf CD? Als es sie gab, habe ich leider nicht zugegriffen, und jetzt scheint sie nirgends erhältlich zu sein. Oder? Ich besitze die Langspielplatten "Opera Electronique" und "2-Time" von DATA. Falls jemand Interesse hat, kann ich sie ihm auf Cassette überspielen und zuschicken. DATA hatten musikalisch aber nichts mit Sailor zu tun. Ich finde die Musik eher dünn, aber das ist ja Geschmackssache. Liebe Grüße an alle Sailor-Fans!
Hello, what a fantastic homepage! Quite informative and done with much love. Great! I'm a Sailor fan since "A Glass Of Champagne", and in my opinion Georg Kajanus is a pop genius. The albums "Trouble" and "The Third Step" are two of the best pop-LPs of all times. Unfortunately I never saw the band on stage. What a pity, that the original Sailor-lineup didn't succeed with the beautiful album "Street Lamp". Does anybody know where to get "Trouble" and "Street Lamp" on CD? When they were in the stores, I didn't buy them, and now they don't seem to be available at all. I own the vinyl records of DATA's "Opera Electronique" and "2-Time". If anybody is interested, I can make a copy on audio cassette and send it to him. But be warned: Musically DATA had nothing to do with Sailor. I don't like their sound very much, but that's a question of personal preferences. Kind regards to all Sailor fans!

Tuesday January 30th 2001 05:24:28

Name: Christine (Alida)
E-mail address:
Comments: Hallo Du süße kleine Maus, bald geht es ab nach Erfurt zum süßen Peter mit dem absolut geilen Haarschnitt. Und ich verbringe die Fahrt im Kofferraum. Piep, mach`s gut Alida.

Wednesday January 31st 2001 05:44:21

Name: Ian Swales
E-mail address:
Comments: hi i have been a sailor fan for for many a year it is lovely to write to other fans of super sailor please write back and i can catch up on all the gossip yours ian.

Thursday February 1st 2001 11:36:45

Name: Daniel
E-mail address:
Comments: Oh Hansjorg, how could you say that DATA doesn't compare to Sailor? They looked great and musically were far ahead of many groups of their time. They should certainly make a comeback, I'm sure they would do very well.

Monday February 5th 2001 12:09:26

Name: matt
E-mail address:
Comments: does anyone know how to get a message to the band? i was taught chemistry by Grant Serpel and would love to get a message to him. He used to make us students sit and watch old tv clips of sailor instead of teaching us - he even played us a demo of there new stuff long before any of you would have heard it!

Tuesday February 6th 2001 04:59:44

Name: frankie boulter
E-mail address:
Comments: This is not something I was aware of George, Love to here from you! Frankie x

Tuesday February 6th 2001 05:49:55

Name: ~Marinero~
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: 9th February: HAPPY BIRTHDAY and all the very best wishes to Grant Serpell and Georg Kajanus!!! ~Katrin

Friday February 9th 2001 11:18:52

Name: Anthony Mills
E-mail address:
Comments: Excellent Website. I am a chemistry pupil of Grant Serpell.

Wednesday February 21st 2001 02:33:14

Name: Gisela Schirmer
Comments: Hallo my Dear Katrin, eine wunderschöne Zeit für Dich und Deine Jungs in Rotenburg, viel Erfolg und vor allem sollen Deine Wünsche in Erfüllung gehen in bezug auf Deinen London- Trip. Happy Time wünscht von Herzen Giselle

Thursday February 22nd 2001 12:57:00

Name: Jerry D. Withers
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Ahoy again! Note that the Hideaway and Trouble CDs are now listed at CD Banzai! (I think the addy is Jerry

Note from Marinero: The "Hideaway" and "Trouble" CDs from Japan are also available at , , etc...

Wednesday March 7th 2001 07:00:29

Name: Delphi
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Fettes Dankeschön für die schnelle email! Wußte gar nicht, daß du ein weiblicher Marinero bist :) Falls irgendwer die Singles "Give me Shakespeare" oder "Glass of Champagne" verkauft, mailt mir, wir können uns sicherlich einigen. Grüße aus AUT, Delphi

Wednesday March 14th 2001 02:38:45

Name: Christine & Katrin
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Dear captain Peter, we wish you all the very best and a happy birthday (on the Ides of March)! See you in 65 days in Rotenburg an der Fulda... Christine & Katrin (@ school)

Wednesday March 14th 2001 05:32:36

Name: Claus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hallo ... wirklich gute Seiten hier ... muss ich sagen. Und auch noch vielen Dank für die Veranstaltungshinweise, die ich sofort aufgenommen habe

Sunday April 15th 2001 01:03:40 AM

Name: wilma
E-mail address:
Comments: Ahoi Everybody....
Thank you Katrin and Karsten for the wishes and the information before!!! Yes it was a real big, phantastic, great, brilliant concert in Paaren!!! How can I say more? A charming Captain, german girls melting away in front of him, falling on her knees (naja fast, aber ehrlich, die waren alle hin und weg und hatten Gleichgewichtsprobleme), great atmosphere at all and I don't know why, but sailor has always the best sound (es hört sich alles einfach besser an, die Technik ist viel besser) at these nights, the sound of the other bands is really not so good! I asked a lot of foreign people and erverybody had the same opinion. So it's not only my subjective feeling. Thank you sailor to say hello to me after the show and I hope you had a good flight back.
Ach Katrin, Karsten und Ihr andern, das nächste Mal müsst Ihr wieder mitkommen, wird mal wieder Zeit!!!!! Ein Abend ist leider immer zu kurz und der Alltag danach viel zu lang!!!! Am 18. kann ich nicht, bin ich auf der Nikotinkonferenz in Erfurt. Welcher Raucher will mit???
Also a big Hello to all the pupils of Grant, he must have been a good teacher ......
When are we all coming together to do Sailor-Remember- Parties? Please tell me the date, maybe we can organize sth.
Love to erverybody

Tuesday May 8th 2001 10:01:24 AM

Name: mark crouch
E-mail address:
Comments: a top site for a top band through this site i am now back in contact with grant and phil who ive known from day one of sailor

Friday May 11th 2001 01:21:38 PM

Name: marc sutton
E-mail address: sutts@oceanfree,net
Comments: what a great site...I have been a fan since 1974 & have all recordings...if you are having "TROUBLE" getting sailors music, then drop me an e-mail and i'll get you sorted.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Sailor, Stay the Night and Coconut.

Sunday May 13th 2001 11:26:07 AM

Name: Olaf Prause
E-mail address:
Comments: Hi, Katrin !!!
See you in Aachen !?
Gruß Olaf Heiner

Friday May 18th 2001 08:59:12 AM

E-mail address:
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS

Friday May 18th 2001 01:10:14 PM

Name: Vee
Comments: oh my god....
yet another super douper trouper special very best of the best of all bests greatest hits albums ever to come! why the hell doesn't anybody notice that there might be NEW and exciting stuff aswell!??!? is this the destiny of sailor-fans: spending money on new cd-covers!??!?!? jesus......

all the best, vee / a. (hey karsten, how is singer school mate doin', eh?)
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): jacaranda

Friday May 18th 2001 03:00:18 PM

E-mail address:

Saturday May 19th 2001 11:37:09 AM

Name: ~Katrin
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Ahoy, in Aachen (Germany) yesterday, 19 May 2001: I would like to say a big thank you to Christel for making it possible for me to listen to "A Glass Of Champagne" and "La Cumbia" via mobile phone during SAILOR's live performance!
*** Hi Christel, das war super lieb von Dir, genauso wie der "Gute Nacht-Anruf"!!! ***
And Peter, Rob and Grant: Special thanx for the good night phone call!!

Rob, you are doing a great job!! Welcome in the band!!

SAILOR-greetings, ~Katrin

Your favourite SAILOR song(s): The Secretary, A Glass Of Champagne, Street Lamp, The Runaway, When It Hurts You, Knock Knock...

Sunday May 20th 2001 07:50:58 AM

Name: Stephen
E-mail address:
Comments: I'm in Britain still waiting for Sailor to tour here again. s you took a video of their recent concerts call you sell me a copy so i can feel at home with the band?
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Secretary

Saturday May 26th 2001 04:39:37 AM

Name: Nicole
Comments: Hi! I am an 18-year-old girl from Dresden and I have seen you in Dresden at the oldie fm.-night. Your show was really great and funny! You were simply the best! I like your music very much. I was glad to be right in the middle of the concert -place, standing on the bench with a red blinking light in my hand- have you seen me? Surely not!
Hope you come to Dresden again-anywhen!?
Many greetings from Dresden, Germany from a young fan of you!
Yours Nicole1
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): One drink too many, Glass of champagne, Latin Eyes

Thursday June 7th 2001 05:22:36 AM

Name: Jerry D. Withers
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Ahoy, all. Well, one step forward, two steps back into the drink, and all that. If there are any fans out there who know what happened to my mailing list, please let me know, as I had to change my email due to necessity (my former addy quit doing email entirely). Send any ideas (such as the name of the list... I can't find it!) to the ol' Harbourmaster at:
(P.S.: Welcome aboard, Rob!)
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): All of them.

Thursday June 14th 2001 02:56:49 PM

Name: Daniel Kaelin
Comments: Hi! This is Daniel from Switzerland. Actually I don't want to repeat all the entries here, but Sailor has always been a (perhaps THE) favourite band of mine, since 1975. Their music stands for fun, warmth and originality. Their first five albums were unique and I still love them, although my music interests changed to 80ies pop and Electronic Music. Funny: It was through Marinero I found Tim Dry's pages, who was in a way connected to the musically quite different Gary Numan (my other music "hero").
I'm very happy to hear that some of their albums could be released on CD. I've been looking for the first album, Checkpoint and Hideaway on CD for years.
DATA also are in my collection, but I miss the first (their best?) album OPERA ELECTRONICA.
Too sad that I won't ever be able to see the original Sailor playing live. Their nineties albums had some very good songs on them, but it's never been the same, of course.
Keep them in your hearts.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): She's my kind of girl, Quay Hotel, Glass of Champagne, All I need is a girl, Keep off the streets, Old Nickelodeon sound, Stop that man, Stiletto heels, and others...

Tuesday June 26th 2001 12:57:03 AM

Name: Andreas
E-mail address:
Comments: Hallo!
Zum Glück habe ich Sailor bei ihrem letzten Live-Auftritt vor der ersten Trennung in Wien (Das war 1979, glaube ich) noch erleben können - als Mitglied des damals existierenden Fanclubs sogar ganz vorne in Reihe 2 *schwelg*. Leider haben es einige der damaligs dargebotenen Songs nie auf Platte oder CD geschafft (oder kennt ihr "Tee for Three"?).
Seit Jahren versuche ich verzweifelt, die CD "Accumulator" von Data zu bekommen, doch alle Musik-Shops, die ich abgegrast haben, melden sie als ausverkauft oder gar nicht existierend. Kennt jemand eine Quelle, wo das gute Ding noch zu bekommen ist?
Schöne Grüße
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Knock Knock

Tuesday June 26th 2001 04:28:49 AM

Name: Owlknight
E-mail address:
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): ALL

Thursday, June 28th 2001 - 04:29:52 PM

Name: calvin
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hello, i enjoy listening to my cassette of songs of Sailor. They are a band who crafted sophisticated pop songs very well. 'JOSEPHINE BAKER'is an excellent song! We review their music and many other 70's artists such as STEVE HARLEY, whom SAILOR opened for back in the mid 70's.....take a look -

Wednesday, July 18th 2001 - 04:40:42 PM

Name: Chris
E-mail address:
Comments: Finally i see that "Third Step" is also available on CD. Nobody could told me, that this Album is also available on CD. I realy enjoyed your Page!
Thank you !
aloha chris ;)
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): glass of champagne, dancing, street lamp, jacaranda

Thursday, July 19th 2001 - 02:38:53 PM

Name: Kathryn
Comments: Hallo, liebe SAILOR Fans !
Ich bin dabei, meine Sailor-Sammlung aufzulösen und biete u.a. alle meine LPs und Singles von SAILOR zum Verkauf an (ab 1974).
Bitte kontaktet mich über dieses Guestbook.

Saturday, July 21st 2001 - 12:23:50 PM

Name: Jerry D. Withers
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Ahoy! Check CyberCD for their price on HIDEAWAY! You won't believe it. (
The Ol' Harbourmaster,
(Third Step is on CD? When??)

Saturday, July 28th 2001 - 04:32:04 PM

Name: Goran
E-mail address:
Comments: Moin, moin!
Eine wirklich toll gemachte Sache! Ich habe nicht gedacht, dass es so etwas von SAILOR überhaupt gibt. Für mich ist es irgendwie eine Reise in die Kindheit, da Sailor die erste Band war, die ich kannte und die ich hören musste, da mein älterer Bruder damals ein großer SAILOR-Fan war. Eine Frage bleibt offen. Ist in der nächsten Zeit damit zu rechnen, dass auch die anderen Alben re-released werden? Denn ein Kracher wie "Down by the docks" ist auf keinem Best-of Album (CD)zu finden und meine LP's sind auch nicht mehr die neusten... Wie gesagt - mach weiter so. Es bringt wirklich Spaß sich durch zu klicken und man merkt doch mit wie viel Liebe und Begeisterung diese Seite entstanden ist. Wunderbar!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Give Me Shakespeare, Down By The Docks, Stiletto Heels

Sunday, July 29th 2001 - 01:10:35 AM

Name: Enver Topia
Comments: I was born in Shkup, Macedonia and currently I'm with National Liberation Army (NLA) fighting the current Slavic terrorist government of Macedonia. While on lookout I have my walkman on and I leasten to Sailor's songs which helps my mood upbeat and easier to cope with the enemy. Thanks Sailor - I love "Stop That Man!"
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Trouble in Hong Kong, A Glass of Champagne, Sailors Night Out

Thursday, August 2nd 2001 - 03:47:25 PM

Name: Jerry D. Withers
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Ahoy! What's this I hear about the possibility of "Eclection" being reissued this fall on CD? Any truth to this?

Thursday, August 23rd 2001 - 05:21:41 PM

Name: thomas vosswinkel
E-mail address:
Comments: Hi there people,
Fantastic Sailor Site.I´m looking for a Copy of the Dressed
for Drowing Album.I have all other albums on CD.Is there Anybody out there who will change with me?
Alles Gute an die beiden Macher dieser Seite!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): All Songs, its Great pop

Monday, September 3rd 2001 - 10:49:44 AM

Name: mark
E-mail address: mec_53@lineone
Comments: cant wait for aylesbury it is long overdue for england
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): soft spot, traffic jam (all)

Thursday, September 6th 2001 - 01:27:03 PM

Name: Brian Bayley
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hello everyone,
My question is about the 'Legacy' album. Does anyone know if all the tracks, (including the old songs) were recorded by the new line up as is suggested by the cover. Or would I be buying the album for only a few new tracks. I don't mind buying it to hear new versions of my old favourites but as for another greatest hits compilation...
How many of us are going to Aylesbury? Let's give the boys the kind of support that has always been sadly lacking from the UK.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Soft Spot. Panama. Jacaranda. Street Lamp. Jamaica Girl etc....

Monday, September 10th 2001 - 06:47:15 AM

Name: Jerry D. Withers
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Brian: In answer to your question, all of the tracks were recorded by the Peter/Phil/Grant/Henry lineup. (I have the CD myself, so I oughta know this :) ) It was recorded in 1996 at PUK Studios in Denmark.

Tuesday, September 18th 2001 - 03:17:26 PM

Name: Deborah
E-mail address:
Comments: Just disscoverd this site, and must say how pleaseing to the eye it is, very informative ,well laid out, excellent, am now looking forward very much to seeing sailor live in November with the fabulouse Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel at Aylesbury where they played together way back when.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Precious Form, Stay the night,Stiletto heels, n not forgetting Girls Girls Girls

Tuesday, September 18th 2001 - 04:15:49 PM

Name: Christine
E-mail address:
Comments: Hallo Katrin
Ich bin ein Schaf, mähhh. Bist Du ein Schaf? Ja Du bist ein Schaf, mähhh. Auf ein lustiges mäh, ab nach Wolfsburg.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Latin eyes

Wednesday, September 19th 2001 - 04:38:16 AM

Name: Karen
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hallo alle miteinander,
komme aus Wolfsburg und hoffe, euch alle dort zu sehen.
Die Oldie-Night beginnt übrigens schon um 19 Uhr.
Das steht falsch auf den Karten drauf!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also bis dahin,
schöne Grüße!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): When it hurts you

Friday, September 21st 2001 - 03:10:15 AM

Name: Jans (John) Leeuwerik
E-mail address:
Comments: Hey Katrin
This is still a great keep up the great work!!
Maybe you can help me?
I am trying to locate Willy Kottmair's email address in you have this? If so, could you please forward it to me? Or contact Willy and let him know that John from Australia is trying to contact him as I have lost his email address!
I hope you can help.
Willy, if you read this, please send me your email address!!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Stay with me now, Blue Desert.

Tuesday, September 25th 2001 - 05:56:20 AM

Name: Carola Hexel
E-mail address:
Comments: Hallo alle Sailor-Fans,
find' ich ja toll, dass diese Supergruppe noch nicht ganz vergessen ist. Höre sie öfter im Radio auf SWR1 und dachte mir heute, dass ich doch mal im Netz nachschauen sollte, ob's nicht irgendwas zu Sailor gibt. Naja, das Internet macht's eben möglich, oder? Kann mir denn jemand sagen/mailen, ob und wo sie zu sehen sind, was die Gruppe heute macht? macht sie denn nochwas? Würde mich über eine Antwort riesig freuen!!!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Alle!!!

Monday, October 1st 2001 - 08:40:00 PM

Name: Stephen Barlow
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Great site.
Sailor are trully undervalued (especially here in the U.K.) so it is nice to see as detailed a site as this
Keep up the good work
and thanks for the `bootleg warning`
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Traffic jam

Tuesday, October 9th 2001 - 10:29:27 PM

Name: Michael Grunow
E-mail address:
Comments: Hi! Ich bin schon ein alter Sailor Fan seit 1973.Ich bin ein sehr grosser Fan von Sailor.Als ich das Lied "A glass of champagne" zum erstenmal gehört habe,war ich hin und weg.Von da an bin ich mit Sailor gross geworden.Nur schade,das Georg Kajanus nicht mehr dabei ist.Das macht mich sehr traurig.Und schde das man von Sailor auch nicht mehr soviel hört im Fernsehen.Keine CD's!Naja,ich bleibe Sailor trotzdem treu.Viele grüsse an alle Sailor Fans von hieraus.Michael.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): A glass of champagne,Girls Girls Girls,und all die anderen Lieder!!

Monday, October 22nd 2001 - 09:58:08 PM

Name: Charles
E-mail address:
Comments: Hi, I noticed your impressive collection of Sailor items and I have found something that I believe could be the ultimate collectible for you. I recently purchased about 5000 45's from a retired DJ in North Carolina. While going through a box, I found a copy of Hat Check Girl, However this is no ordinary record. This is a test pressing. In case you are not familiar with these, A test pressing is made of the song in order to check for sound quality and possible technical problems. The band listens to the test and if they like it, they give the go ahead for the record to be produced and distributed to the radio stations and then the public. If they are not satisfied, they record it again. Test pressing labels are usually white with several lines and the information including title and artist is written by hand. Whats even more special about this record is that the label is totally blank. You have to play it to even know what it is. From my research about test pressings, I have found out that less than 20 exsist for any single recording. In other words this is a very rare record. So rare in fact that I can't decide whether to put it on auction or offer it to you straight out. If you have any interest in this record, please let me know.

Friday, October 26th 2001 - 09:43:22 AM

Name: Jerry D. Withers
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Ahoy, everybody! Thought you'd like to know that the reconstruction of HARBOUR has picked up apace ("apace"? That is a word??) in the last few days. The singles discography, Charted Waters, and even FANspeak! are all back! Hopefully, more will return shortly.
Speaking of singles, love the updates in the Gringo and Eclection sections!
Keep your sails up!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): All of them.

Saturday, November 3rd 2001 - 12:55:35 AM

Name: Phil Nicholson
E-mail address:
Comments: Went to see Steve Harley in Folkestone on Sunday and saw mentioned the concert in Aylesbury. Now busy trying to reschedule appointment to be there.
Then I found the web site, happy memories came back of Brighton, Appollo Victoria, Empire Leicester Square, Birmingham, jeez they must be 25 years now.
Anyhow Aylesbury & even Newbury next year.
Cheers to all involved.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Josaphine Baker or Jacaranda or xxxxxxxx or xxxxxx they were all good

Tuesday, November 13th 2001 - 04:52:11 PM

Name: mark
E-mail address:
Comments: what a good night we all had at aylesbury it was worth waiting 20 odd years !
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): all

Thursday, November 15th 2001 - 11:44:30 PM

Name: Deborah
E-mail address:
Comments: Went to Aylesbury to see Steve Harley & Sailor the other night, they were Excellent, so entertaining, I loved every second of the show, they were so dazzling, through out, thought it so nice of them all to come out after & and meet with their audience n sign pics, really nice guys, would love to see them again. Shame it was a seated venue though, you just couldn’t sit still. Love the your site.

Friday, November 16th 2001 - 06:36:11 PM

Name: Cheyenne
E-mail address:
Comments: Was fuer eine gute Website! ich habe es den Spaziergang auf der memory lane sehr genossen-bin schon seit 20 jahren ein Sailor Fan. Nun lebe ich seit 1991 in den USA....kann mir jemand bitte helfen Kassetten fuer mich aufzunehmen? Ich habe leider keine Lieder von sailor hierund ich kann sie hier nicht bekommen. Danke!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): The Old Nickelodeon Song

Saturday, November 17th 2001 - 05:18:05 AM

Name: Adrian
E-mail address:
Comments: Just a line or two to say how much I enjoyed Sailor's support at the Steve Harley gig in Aylesbury. As a fan for over 25 years -is it really that long? - it was great to see and hear them perform live.
Looking forward to a possible tour of the UK in 2002!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Blame It On The Hot Spot, Cool Breeze, Panama

Sunday, November 18th 2001 - 01:59:11 PM

E-mail address:
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): TRAFFIC JAM (with Grant), PANAMA. GIRLS,GIRLS,GIRLS

Monday, November 19th 2001 - 10:15:25 PM

Name: Gary Diamond
E-mail address:
Comments: Ahoy, Sailor fans and record collectors!
Seeking a serious Sailor fan who has a copy of Georg Kajanus' solo 45rpm effort "Say Hallo" on Warner Bros. records and also Georg's April Love single on Epic Records. Willing to trade as needed! Hit me back! Thanks, Gary

Friday, November 23rd 2001 - 10:07:15 PM

Name: heiner imdahl
E-mail address:
Comments: Hello everybody,
and a very special ahoi to katrin and karsten.
I will see you all in essen looking forward to a great sailor concert.
If it´s possible, tell an old sailor-fan what are henry and georg doing in these days. There is no news about them.
Please tell me, if you know something.
Best wishes, see you in town!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Ashes and diamonds, all i need is a girl, a glass of champange

Monday, November 26th 2001 - 07:37:54 PM

Name: norma jenkinson-swales
E-mail address: the
Comments: Still haven't come back down to earth following Aylesbury.Is it possible to wear a c.d.out??? Great to meet you guys again after 1/4 of a century !!!The 450mile round trip was certainly worth the effort.Look forward to some contact in the future Norma xx
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Traffic jam !! ( especially when stuck on M1 )

Tuesday, November 27th 2001 - 12:39:58 PM

Name: Mareike
E-mail address:
Comments: Hallo Katrin, ich hoffe, du kannst dich noch an mich erinnern, wir sind beide mal zusammen zur Schule gegangen. Zufällig hab ich eben deinen Zettel gefunden und hab mir spontan gedacht, dir mal wieder zu schreiben. Gott sei dank, hast du deine Adresse ja nicht verändert. Dafür hab ich meine verändert. So, ich hoffe, ich muß jetzt nicht wieder solange auf ne Nachricht von dir hoffen. Also schreib mir bald mal wieder
Tschüß Mareike

Thursday, December 6th 2001 - 06:19:11 PM

Name: joanie bradshaw
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Man I am so happy to find this website.
I love Sailor, the music is still great after all these years.
Please come to U.S. and bring some culture to this musically defunct country.
British ex-pat
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): glass of champagne

Sunday, December 9th 2001 - 08:07:15 PM

Name: Sabine Müller
E-mail address:
Comments: Hello my dear,
never saw a better side then this. Me I love Sailer since
1975. They are wonderfull. I allways think to them.
merry christmas and a happy new year !!!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): People in Love

Tuesday, December 18th 2001 - 11:06:20 AM

Name: ~Katrin
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): all...

Monday, December 24th 2001 - 02:04:07 PM

Name: Davey Smith
E-mail address:
Comments: When sailor had their hit with "a glass of champagne" i was only 2 years old, But i`ve grown into this music since then. Sailor was brought to my attention after watching an episode of totp2 just before christmas 2001, I`m now hooked.
By the way love the web site.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Glass of champagne

Monday, January 14th 2002 - 01:28:51 AM

Name: joe higgins
E-mail address:
Comments: i have been a great sailor fan since 74/75 i missed the aylesbury concert much to my great dissapointment any fans replies very welcome does anyone know where i can update my vinyl to cd
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): wish i had a way with woman people in love jacarranda

Thursday, January 17th 2002 - 04:06:53 PM

Name: Russell Hark
E-mail address:
Comments: Grant Serpell was my chemistry teacher and also taught me the drums. I am very pleased to see the band is still going, looking at the pictures it looks like everyone is having fun. When I didn't do my home work for Mr Serpell, he used to say, "don't come for a drum lesson until it is done". This always ensured my homework was up to date. Thanks to his drum lessons, I have constant pleasure playing drums in bands. (Grant, if you read this, I still can't do 5 stroke rolls properly!!) Good luck on tour.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Sailor

Sunday, January 20th 2002 - 11:49:47 PM

Name: Airfixguy
E-mail address:
Comments: I never thought Sailor was still around ! I bought all their early longplayers in the seventies. Because my I heard Glass of Champagne again on the radio the other day, and told my kids I had records of this group, my daughter wanted to know more about the group, I surfed the net and found your webpages. Its Sailor sound all over again in our house since a few days ! My kids think I'm crazy because I'm still singing loudly along with the songs !
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Stiletto Heels, Jacaranda, Girls of Amsterdam, Down town

Tuesday, January 29th 2002 - 09:00:47 PM

E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: New site on EGroups.The URL for the SAILOR AND DATA FILES is:

Tuesday, February 26th 2002 - 12:55:58 PM

Name: Jerry D. Withers
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Happy Birthday, Pete!
The Ol' Harbourmaster,
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): All of 'em!

Saturday, March 16th 2002 - 12:55:27 AM

Name: Vikki Zolkiewka
Comments: Dear Mr Serpell Sir!!
Glad to see you are doing well- some lovely pics of you on the site!!! I see you have kept your dashingly good looks!
Keep up the good work- and i hope to see you on TOTP2 again sometime....
you should look at friends reunited as there are some lovely messages about you under Waingels Teacher Memories..
Take Care
Love Vikki x
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Girls Girls Girls

Thursday, March 21st 2002 - 12:48:55 PM

Name: Chris
E-mail address:
Comments: Hello, I'm currently desperately trying to get hold of a copy or recording of Destiny by Phil Pickett. If anyone out there can help, please email me at

Sunday, April 14th 2002 - 06:10:51 PM

Name: Merlin
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Kajanus ist ein Top-Musiker, von Sailor habe ich fast alles. Dafür leider gar nichts von DATA. Kann mir jemand weiterhelfen mit Kassetten, der CD Accumulator oder einem Link zu mp3-Downloads?
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Stop that man / Data: Fallout

Monday, April 15th 2002 - 04:14:53 PM

Name: K.M.
Comments: I saw Sailor last week in Zwickau at the Konzert- und Ballhaus Neue Welt. Fantastic! It was the 55. Oldie concert in Zwickau and I saw nearly all of those, but this time it was the best! You people have been so great... I have seen on this website here that 2 members have been replaced by others. That sounds sad, but on the other hand you have been so good at this show that you will have a great future in this lineup hopefully! The new singer is very good, and this guy with the hat and the white outfit too... It looks like you all enjoy what you are doing. Keep on sailing and please come back to Zwickau!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): all

Tuesday, April 30th 2002 - 08:31:20 PM

Name: Thomas Voßwinkel
E-mail address:
Comments: hallo Thomas

Thursday, May 9th 2002 - 10:51:01 PM

Name: ian
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: hello there i am looking 4 anyone who has the complete works of sailor from the 1st lp to the last i used to have the 1st 4 lps but went missing when i moved house. i miss listening to them i have managed to get 2 cds of hits but i really need the lps so plz if anyone can help plz email me i will gladly pay to have them done thanking u 4 your time reading this hope to here from someone soon thanks once again yours ian
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): merory lane panama blue desert the list is endless

Friday, May 24th 2002 - 04:58:52 AM

Name: Astrid
E-mail address:
Comments: An alle Sailor-Fans in Österreich!
Wer von Euch das Sailor-Konzert in Wien besucht, möchte sich bitte bei mir melden!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Marinero, Street Lamp.......all

Monday, May 27th 2002 - 08:42:01 PM

Name: Terah
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Your work on this site is very good!

Tuesday, June 11th 2002 - 06:29:07 AM

Name: Sten Burmeister
E-mail address:
Comments: Hi.This must be one of the greatest sites on the web.Compliments with the good work.It`s amazing to see someone keep up the great sailor spirit like you do.So keep it up.....
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Stay with me now,- Cool breeze

Tuesday, June 25th 2002 - 07:16:17 AM

Name: dean
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Arrived at your impresive site looking for information on "Data" - totally unaware of the "Sailor" connection. Now, listening to the vinyl "Opera Electronica" as I type this the similarities are all too evident - I wonder how I managed to miss this fact for the past 21 years!
Thanks for the information.
::thinks:: where can I get the entire "Data" back-catagloue on CD?
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): none - Armageddon by Data...

Sunday, June 30th 2002 - 02:18:42 PM

Name: Sandra, Germany
E-mail address: no own yet
Comments: Hello! I looked here at this homepage for a long time and want to know more why Henry Marsh left the band so suddenly in 1999 (?). Can you get new informations? What is he working now? I can see here what new projects Georg did, but I too want to read something about what Henry does today. Thank you!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Stiletto heels, Stay the night, Blue desert

Tuesday, July 30th 2002 - 08:09:45 PM

Name: Bill Blenman
E-mail address:
Comments: Hi just found this web site, very impressive. I have been a fan of the group since they released there first single, and have for over 20 years kept their Lp's as treasured items. So much so that oi have spent the last year writing a musical based the songs on their first four albums. I have just recently been in e mail contact with Georg kajanus and have sent him the completed work of the musical. I hope that i can get this on stage somewhere, as i believe like you all that they were and still are a unique group. Musicals seem popular just now based on pop and rock bands.i hope that some producer of a theatre company thinks the same way. I will email you if it ever does hit the stage, it would be graet to see Sailor fans appreciating great songs set in a great musical story.
All the very best to you and your websters.
Bill Blenman
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): All

Sunday, August 25th 2002 - 10:47:52 PM

Name: Jacaranda Ensemble
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Durch Zufall sind wir hier auf den
Seiten gelandet. Die Homepage ist wirklich sehr gut gemacht. weiter so!
Wir schauen demächst hier wieder rein! Viele Grüsse
Jacarandada Ensemble -

Friday, August 30th 2002 - 02:03:18 PM

Name: Kerstin
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hallo Katrin,
nun musste ich doch bei Dir mal vorbei schauen und muss sagen, das man merkt, das Du sehr viel Zeit für Deine Seite opferst. Sehr schön! Mach weiter so und ich wünsche Dir viele Besucher, sowie ganz viele Einträge in Dein Gästebuch.
Wie Du merkst, sind mir die Sailors nicht unbekannt und deshalb auch mein Favorit.
Liebe Grüße aus Berlin
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): A Glass of Champagne

Saturday, September 21st 2002 - 11:12:17 AM

Name: Steve
Comments: Hello Sailor! Looking forward to High Wycombe in 8 (!) weeks... Can't wait to see you perform. I'm sure it will be a very special night. Hope you will play some more great songs than usual, e.g. 'Stiletto Heels', 'Blame It On The Soft Spot', 'Let's Go To Town' etc. But don't do this Latin medley you do at German gigs - more room for own material then! ;-))) Kajanus wrote enough great Latin Sailor songs. See you soon. Great website by the way: You can be glad to have such fans ;-))) That looks like a lot of work.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Stiletto Heels, Glass Of Champagne, Blue Desert, many...

Saturday, September 21st 2002 - 05:11:17 PM

Name: Brian Bayley
E-mail address:
Comments: I agree with the last comment about the Latino Medley. With so many original Latin numbers of their own I don't think the Medley does the band justice. What do other fans think.
With such a huge selection of original songs to play for the loyal following, are cover versions necessary.
I can't wait for the UK show. Let's make it the Sailor concert to beat all others. I hope the European fans (who let's face it have kept Sailor going for so long) can come and enjoy the party.
Keep up the good work Katrin
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Soft Spot, Street Lamp, All I Need Is A Girl etc

Sunday, September 22nd 2002 - 02:05:06 PM

Name: Robert Madsen
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hi, what a site! I admired Sailor when I was young and bought EACH Album. I was so stupid to sell them all when the CD was invented. I was sure that all Sailor Albums will be available on CD one day. But as it appears its only half the thruth. So I ask WHY is neither CHECKPOINT nor DRESSED FOR DROWNING available on CD yet? I would love to buy these plus all single Albums of DATA which I had the pleasure to own until - stupid me - I sold them all
Well, let me invite you to my sites too. Since SAILOR weren't my only favorites I admired Mike (The Wombles) Batt's Works too and I'm grateful that I am allowed to host and maintain their official german Sites and and had the wonderful opportunity to meet with them all on September 4th 2002 in Hamburg. Why don't you come over and have a look?
Greetings from Hamburg
Robert "Stintfang" Madsen
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Checkpoint Charlie

Monday, September 23rd 2002 - 06:40:48 PM

Name: tony makara
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: I always liked sailors fast-paced music, I can remember first hearing "a glass of champaign" outside of a record shop, the beat was really booming and it sounded quite different from anything else that Id heard at that time.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Glass of champaign

Thursday, October 17th 2002 - 01:09:08 AM

Name: Gary Diamond
E-mail address:
Comments: I have a copy of "Street Lamp" on CDR to offer
to a very big Sailor fan....
Hit me back for details....
Gary in Denver Colorado USA
(Yes, there are Marinero fans in the States!)

Friday, October 18th 2002 - 02:25:39 AM

Name: Paul Smith
E-mail address:
Comments: First saw the band in concert supporting the Kiki Dee band in Birmingham in 1974. I have been a big fan since.Great website.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Blame it on the soft spot

Wednesday, November 6th 2002 - 11:37:23 AM

Name: ~Katrin
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Ahoy everybody,
very special concert at the Swan Theatre (Town Hall) in High Wycombe, UK on 16 November 2002 - their first "headline" show in the UK for over 25 years - was a great success. The show was filmed for an official release on DVD which fans will be able order via for early delivery in 2003.
Special thanks to all the lovely fans from England, Holland, Germany, Denmark etc. for comming and making this evening so special, and thanks for all those nice conversations, photos, comments about the MARINERO website etc.!! It was so nice to meet you all!! - All the marvellous fans made it a night to remember!!
If any of you have some more nice photos, reviews or anything else to share with all of us, just let us know via eMail.
Special thanks to Uli Neumann for the very first photos!
~ The MARINERO crew
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): The Secretary, A Glass Of Champagne, Knock Knock, Girls Girls Girls, too many to mention...

Tuesday, November 19th 2002 - 09:29:14 AM

Name: Adrian
E-mail address:
Comments: WOW! What a concert!
It was great to see Sailor headlining their own show again in Britain - their first for 25 years - is it really that long? This was a fabulous evening for fans of one the most original bands ever, supported by Chip Hawkes it shows that even with a change of line-up Sailor sound as good as ever. I particularly enjoyed 'Panama' and their unusual interpretation of 'Mac the Knife' but thoroughly enjoyed the whole performance. I look forward to seeing the DVD when it is released and dare I say it another headline show next year!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Panama, Blue Desert, Cool Breeze

Wednesday, November 20th 2002 - 02:08:58 PM

Name: alan
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Sailor was a great band indeed, and somewhat underrated when compared to the rest of the 70's bands, our site 70's invasion has moved to angelfire, on page 4 you'll find a review of Sailor, and others who made similiar sounds like COCKNEY REBEL.....
ahh' Josephine Baker, soft lights, da da da da'......*

Saturday, November 23rd 2002 - 04:24:46 AM

Name: Magdalena 27
E-mail address:
Comments: Sailor is one of the best bands in the world. I think they belong in the high category of music along with The Beatles which are my favorite. I can hear that Sailor was influenced by them. I am 27 and Sailor has been a part of my life as long as remember thanks to my dad. Their music is a joyful spirit and it brings back memories of a very happy times in my life.

Friday, December 13th 2002 - 09:17:17 PM

Name: Wiebke
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Just want to congratulate you to this nearly perfect site. I was very happy to find it.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Hamm, 21.12.2002

Saturday, December 21st 2002 - 12:48:26 AM

Name: Scott Forestell
E-mail address:
Comments: I'm an old fan of Sailor and i'm glad to see i'm not alone. I'm also looking for 2 or 3 of their lp's if anyone knows where i can find some. Please e-mail me if you can help me. Long live Sailor.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Traffic Jam

Friday, December 27th 2002 - 03:04:46 AM

Name: Ralf Bender
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hallo Katrin!
Jetzt wird es aber langsam mal Zeit, dass ich mich auch mal in dein Gästebuch eintrage. Du hast dir da mittlerweile eine sehr informationsreiche Web-Site erstellt. Es macht richtig Spass auf deine Site zu stöbern. Nur weiter so!!!!
Viele Grüße aus dem Hunsrück
Ralf Bender
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): A Glass Of Champagne

Saturday, January 4th 2003 - 03:12:20 PM

Name: Mattias
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: SAILOR is too good.
My mother have the first albumm released in Sweden and when I heard it I think that it was the best I've ever had heard before.
A SAILOR-fan who wonder when SAILOR comes to Sweden.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): One drink too many

Friday, January 24th 2003 - 02:51:36 PM

Name: Mike Owlknight Anthony
E-mail address:
The First and Only Time i have Ever Seen SAILOR in Concert Was In New York City..!!! When They Toured With The Rock Group QUEEN When Queens Very First Album WAS RELEASED...!!!!!
I Have Been In to SAILORS MUSIC ! from that Night Til This Very Second !!!!! i Pray They Play in The States again..!!!
I Will Never Forget Hearing They Excellent and Most Genuine Sound...!!!! in All This Time i have only been Able to Find 2 Albums by Them But Through The YEARS tHEY`VE bEEN mISPLACED..!!! can any one help me to purchase sailors live concert video`s or DVD`s..!!!!! THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS..!!!!!!!
Sincerely Mike Owlknight Anthony
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): That Old Nickolodeon Sound..!

Saturday, January 25th 2003 - 09:30:44 PM

Name: ~Katrin
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Dear Mike (see entry above),
it's true that SAILOR were on tour in the USA in 1976, but never performed there with Queen.
SAILOR have recorded a special "Live In Concert" DVD on 16 November 2002 in High Wycombe, England. This DVD will be released by Angel Air Records - probably in April 2003. More information will be on this website as soon as we know anything. Keep checking the "News"-page!!
Tried to send you an eMail, but it kept on comming back...
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): The Secretary, A Glass Of Champagne, Knock Knock, Girls Girls Girls, too many to mention...

Thursday, January 30th 2003 - 01:33:39 PM

Name: Mike Anthony
E-mail address:
Comments: i when to see the Rock Group Queen when they first came tp America Brian May Introduced SAILOR to America..!
SAILOR`s Sound and Energy were GREAT and EXTREME L;Y Genuine they were Unlike any Band i have ever seen.!
through the years i have collected what ever albums they sold here in the States.! i say 20 years gone by and musically tasted are always changing but 4 years a go when my library when on line i had the Very Plesant Surprize to find SAILORS WEB SITE..!
After all these Years 2 Days ago i just recieved
SAILOR !!! LIVE IN BERLIN...!!!! It brought back many Great Memorie s of The Very First time i ever Saw Them Open for QUEEN Long Long Ago....!!!!!!!!!
Now i am Waitin` For The Live DVD..!!!!!
That ANGEL Is workin` On..!!!!!!!!!
What makes SAILOR`s Music So Incredibly GREAT Is Each Song Sounds As If It Were Some Broadway Play..!!!!!!
Thank Your All Members of SAILOR Past and Present
For Translating Your Great Passion For LIFE..!!!!
God Bless ! Always and Forever.!!!!! MUCH SUCCESS and HAPPINESS FOREVER..!
Sincerely ! Mike
Just One Request ? Please Play Radio City..! ( In NYC )
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): ..The Secretary

Saturday, February 8th 2003 - 06:51:42 PM

Name: Christoph Müller
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hi to everybody out there,
I'd like to know if there is any sheet music of "Sailor" available. Where can I buy it? Or is there a site where I can download printed music (maybe only Text + Chords)?
Many thanx in advance!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Music

Wednesday, February 12th 2003 - 11:22:37 AM

Name: Jürgen
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hallo,
Schöne Sportliche Grüße sendet ein begeisteter Fan aus Göttingen. Bin durch Zufall auf diese Page gelandte. Finde diese Page sehr gut gemacht.
Mfg. Jürgen

Sunday, March 16th 2003 - 10:00:58 PM

Name: lucy
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hi, just a quick buzz to say how much i liked your site, keep up the good work, lucy :-)

Friday, April 4th 2003 - 04:34:55 PM

Name: Peter
E-mail address:
Comments: Hi, I'm a great Fan of Sailor, and I'm looking for Lyrics and Guitarchords for the songs Glass of Champagne and Girls Girls Girls. Can somebody help me?
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Girls Girls Girls

Tuesday, April 15th 2003 - 05:07:35 PM

Name: Arne
E-mail address:
Homepage URL: http://I have to take this in before i can tell You...
Comments: I just love all of them.

Sunday, April 20th 2003 - 07:08:43 PM

Name: Hans-Schorsch
E-mail address:
Comments: Sehr schöne Seiten !!
Fühl mich doch gleich wieder einige Jährchen jünger beim herumstöbern hier..........
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Cool Breeze

Friday, April 25th 2003 - 09:34:28 AM

Name: Grant, Rob & Naylorman
Comments: Hi everyone! Just using up a few minutes before gettin g on flight to Hamburg for show (30/04/03) so thought we'd send special greeting to all the Sailor fans

Wednesday, April 30th 2003 - 02:45:36 PM

Name: Ludger Hörmann
E-mail address:
Comments: Hi there, www is fine, isn't it?! I meet bands i've heard almost since their beginning i think – nice to meet you at the www...
just this evening i've heard my old Sailor records (via turntable), and my opinion is still the same: the sound very best with a bottle of (red) wine in my hand...
so, go on and play some tunes i know on stages in germany...
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): sailor; traffic jam; girls of amsterdam; josefine baker; blue desert

Thursday, May 1st 2003 - 11:56:56 PM

Name: Wilma Kleinertz
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hello everybody!
Lot of greetings from Chemnitz....
Special to the Marinero Crew...
I'm so sorry about Kassel and these "Runaways"...
Sehr liebe Gedanken und Wünsche und allen, die reisen dürfen, viel Spaß bei den nächsten Sailorkonzerten. Ich sitze zu Hause und denke an Euch und hoffe, dass mir meine Ärzte in drei Monaten mehr erlauben! Feiert für mich mit, jeder Tag ist kostbar!!!!!
Ich zehre noch von vergangenen Erinnerungen und nach einer Sailor CD ist mein Blutdruck auch wieder im Normbereich.
Hohe Leukos for everyone!!!!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Two Ladies on ther corner

Monday, May 19th 2003 - 12:53:43 PM

Name: Susanne
E-mail address:
Comments: Dear Katrin + Karsten!
Driving all the way from Stuttgart to Kassel in expectation to see Sailor - the disappointment was big when I had to find out that the concert was canceled.
I saw myself ending up in a boring hotel-room ... but then you offered me to join you and having a drink with some other fans...
It became a wonderful evening. I meet very nice and interesting people. I wouldn`t have missed it!
Thank you to all of you: Katrin + Karsten, Stephanie, Walter + Malcome!
I hope to see you in Stuttgart for the Concert in Kirchheim!
I would be pleased to have you staying with me!
Thank you again for the great evening!
See you soon?

Monday, May 26th 2003 - 02:20:25 AM

Name: Michael Hansen
E-mail address: MHN@HANSEN.DK
Comments: Hej all SAILOR/DATA fans.
I am desperately looking for 2 albums by DATA, 2-time and Electronic machinery. Does anyone know where i can get a copy of these GREAT albums.
Greetings to all SAILOR/DATA fans.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Opera Electronica (by data)

Wednesday, May 28th 2003 - 09:27:08 AM

Name: Thorsten S. aus Germany
Comments: Hi folks, I'm quite new to this site (found Marinero's link on another Oldie-page a while ago) and just wanted to say that I really like it. So informative! And it is great to see that the current band line-up is always sending newsletters etc. But I miss the same thing that has been mentioned here before by other peoples: Some news from the 'old' members = Georg and Henry. What about an interview about their projects? Do they will to write something for the fans at all? It would be nice if they would stay in touch because they still mean so much to all their fans!
And by the way: I've searched for something about Affinity for so long. Found information and CDs here. Danke nochmal - I'll be back!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Glass of champagne, Trouble in Hongkong, All I need is a girl

Sunday, June 22nd 2003 - 08:08:23 PM

Name: Ko Heilig
E-mail address:
Comments: As a fan from day one in the early seventies it pleases me a lot to see all this information you have on this website Katrin!
Sailor has always been part of my life although I didn't follow the band from year to year. It always touches me when I hear they still perform, and I am very lucky they have a performance near my home town in Holland, coming 23rd of August! I will try to make some pictures you could put on your website.
Funniest experience I had was their performance in Hilversum (Holland) at a football tournament for junior players (1991 or 1992). Everyone came for the football and only I came for Grant, Georg, Phil and Henry! After the performance I had the honour of meeting them and talk to them for an hour or so.
Keep up the good work Sailors!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): The old nickelodeon sound, Romance, Music , Quay Hotel, Stay the night

Sunday, June 29th 2003 - 01:17:18 PM

Name: Edmund Thielow
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hello Sailorfans,
eine fantastische Homepage!
MfG aus dem

Saturday, July 5th 2003 - 09:03:46 AM

Name: Martin
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hallo,
da du dich mit deiner Site in meinem Gästebuch verewigt hast, musste ich doch mal reinschauen. Ich muss sagen : SUPER.....toll gemachte Seite, viel Info...viel Spass !!
Ich werde die Page auf meiner Site gerne weiter empfehlen.
Weiterhin viel Erfolg und Zuspruch
Gruss Martin
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Paloma Blanca :-))

Thursday, July 10th 2003 - 12:35:03 PM

Name: Wolfgang
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Toll, dass es eure Seite jetzt auch in Deutsch gibt. Da brauche ich nicht ständig das Online-Dictionary aufzurufen. Eure Seite war und ist Spitze, daher vielen Dank für all die Arbeit, die ja uns allen zu Gute kommt.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): One Drink too many

Wednesday, July 30th 2003 - 01:24:10 PM

Name: Buddelfinchen
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hi Hallo!
Bin gerade übers 70ger/80ger Forum auf deine HP gestoßen!
Interessant,informativ,einfach super! :o)
Gruss M.

Wednesday, August 13th 2003 - 10:16:06 PM

Name: Guy
E-mail address:
Comments: After 25 years, I saw Sailor live in action yesterday at the Bilzen(Belgium) concert evenings. They were great, as always I guess. Great crew and excellent live music. Keep it going ! That Nicklelodeon gives a terrific sound !
I bought "Trouble" in 1976 and then all the others as soon as they came out, including all singles.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): ALL of them

Friday, August 15th 2003 - 09:10:44 AM

Name: Linda
E-mail address:
Comments: I was a devoted Sailor fan back in the 70s and I can't believe I've missed out on the past few years! I'm so glad to have 'found' Sailor again and I just can't wait for the next appearance in Britain - please, if anyone knows when that is likely to be, keep me posted! I've been wallowing in nostalgia ever since Thursday, when I found this website! Good luck, boys, in the next few gigs in Europe - wish I could be there and hope to see you all soon! xxx
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): All of them far too good to make a choice!

Tuesday, August 19th 2003 - 05:34:30 PM

Name: Nic
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: It was a nice evening wasn't it, send you the pics as soon as possible.
tschuß und Grüßen aus Egmond

Sunday, August 24th 2003 - 04:15:55 AM

Name: Lin S
E-mail address:
Comments: Hi
Wow!!! It's SO great to see a terrific homepage about one of the best 70's-80's groeps ever: Sailor!!!
It brought back many memories...
Compliments for such a lot of material and specially the details like the differen Nickelodeon pics!
This site is in one word: GREAT!!!
I will come back here often.
Many greetings from Holland,
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Panama / Jacaranda

Tuesday, September 2nd 2003 - 02:46:03 PM

Name: Birgit Hyltoft
E-mail address:
Comments: you have don a good job whit this site
my compliment to you.
Best regards from
Birgit Hyltoft
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Glass of champagne and Girls Girls Girls

Saturday, September 27th 2003 - 01:19:03 PM

Name: Jonathan Conway
E-mail address:
Comments: I stumbled across this great site looking for some nautical supplies (true, I sail for a hobby). My first ever concert was Steve Harley and Cockney Rebel at Hammersmith Odeon suported by yes...Sailor. I enjoyed the support more than the main act and went out and bought the first album; and the second; and the third! Lost touch a little bit then
found this site a couple of weeks ago. I have just received Live in Berlin and Sailors Greatest Hits and the music sounds as good as it did when we all a bit younger!
I'm trying to source the first 3 albums on CD as my vinyl
LP's are long since dies after too many plays.
I live in Hong Kong at present; do the band ever come to Asia/Australia? Anymore plans for a UK gig? I see High Wycombe was the last one. I'll keep checking the site but
may have to make avisit to Germany which now seems 'home' to the band as far a stouring is concerned.
Keep up the great work.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): The old Nickelodeon Sound

Monday, September 29th 2003 - 07:41:38 AM

Name: Old Sailor
E-mail address:
Comments: Hallo,
nun wollte ich doch auch mal einen kleinen Eintrag hinterlassen.
Wie ich schon am letzten Sonntag im Chat sagte : Eine wirklich gut durchdachte und sortierte, wohl mit viel Liebe und Engagement, aufgebaute Website !
Schade, das ich nicht schon früher drauf gestossen bin. Aber besser zu spät als nie !
Wenn ich es schaffe, werde ich nächsten Sonntag wieder am Chat teilnehmen. Wo sonst hat man Gelegenheit, Neuigkeiten und erfahrenes aus erstklassiger Quelle zu bekommen...
Bis dahin, viele Grüße aus Berlin
Hank (Old Sailor)
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Stop that Man, Danger on the Titanic,Private Eye

Tuesday, September 30th 2003 - 06:40:30 PM

Name: Ryszard Nagorski
E-mail address:
Comments: I don't know why you said the website was very slow, Grant.
Great website, great music, keep on sailing!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Glass of Champagne

Saturday, October 4th 2003 - 01:36:07 PM

Name: Manuela
E-mail address:
Comments: No guestbook without ME !!!!!!
Grüße an alle die ich tausend Jahre nicht gesehen habe...
Tolle Website......
Auf Wiedersehen!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Lover´s Blues

Wednesday, October 22nd 2003 - 07:20:52 PM

Name: hans-joachim
E-mail address:
Comments: hallo katrin !
Mein Lieblingslied ist "The Old Nickelodeon Sound" und
"Checkpoint Charlie",das es immer noch nicht auf CD gibt.

Tuesday, October 28th 2003 - 12:08:20 PM

E-mail address: NO E-MAIL YET
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS!

Tuesday, November 11th 2003 - 03:53:34 PM

Name: Moni
E-mail address:
Comments: Hallo zusammen!
Habe mich sehr auf den Aufrtitt in Nordenham Anfang November gefreut. Doch leider ist die Party ausgefallen :-(
Ein halbes Jahr habe ich dem Moment entgegengefiebert und dann kurz vorher die traurige Nachricht. Aber dann fahre ich ebend ein wenig weiter weg um mal ein Konzert der Jungs anzuschauen. Das bekommen wir schon hin, die Band ist es wert!!!!
Viele Grüße an alle Fans!
Gruß Moni
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Stay with me now

Friday, November 14th 2003 - 09:46:44 PM

Name: Lars
E-mail address:
Comments: I'm really fond of the old Sailor albums. I was around 10 when my dad played his 8-track-tape (not sure he still has it) of the first album in thecar all the time. I always sang along. So I cant call myself a 'fan' (I am of The Who). At that early age the sound of Sailor was like magic and in fact it still is.
Later I felt proud coming from Amsterdam. Since I grew up around the red light district its quite obvious Sailor felt good.
I really missed them and feel lucky I discovered this site, I'll do my best to catch a show.
If the band reads this; thanks!
Lars, Netherlands
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Girls of Amsterdam! (I know few of 'em)

Thursday, November 27th 2003 - 11:20:08 PM

Name: alex wright
E-mail address:
Comments: Would love cd copy of Hideaway & DOUBLE CD of Greatest Hits
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Stay with me now,Down by the Docks,Dancing,Traffic Jam

Wednesday, December 17th 2003 - 02:40:21 PM

Name: Peter Blazsicsch
E-mail address:
Comments: Hallo!
Ich verstehe nicht, dass Sony Music immer noch nicht die beiden Alben "Checkpoint" und "Dressed For Drowning" als CDs heraus gebracht hat! Was spricht dagegen?
Liebe Grüsse aus Wien
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Jacaranda

Wednesday, December 24th 2003 - 05:54:23 AM

Name: Cilia
Comments: hi ihrz!bz karsten es versteht mich ja sonst keiner hier!:-)
na alles klar? bei mir schon! wann kommen denn mal sailor wieder nach deutschland will mal wieder party machen!
Karsten meld dich mal bei mir (per e-mail)!!!
ok cya
eure cilia
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Girls girls girls (boys boys boys)

Tuesday, January 6th 2004 - 02:58:35 AM

Name: Steve Fryer
E-mail address:
Comments: A website devoted to Sailor! What a find! Didn't even know they were still going strong - until I saw Phil Pickett on BBC2. Still giving concerts too!!! Why have I never seen them advertised??? Went regularly to Sailor concerts in the 70s - and met the Band - and have an autographed copy of their first album!!!! Priceless! Ah! I can feel those goosebumps at the thought of seeing them again. Shame Georg has 'retired' though, but he always was the shy one.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Blue Desert

Tuesday, January 13th 2004 - 10:56:35 PM

Name: Jonathan
E-mail address:
Comments: Thinking of making the journey to Tring for the UK gig... Are there really only 200 seats in the place?
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Old Nickelodeon Sound

Monday, January 19th 2004 - 02:46:49 AM

Name: Anette & Mari
Homepage URL: http://
Comments: Oh Captain, my Captain ...
Anne Bonny and Mary Read have prepared the boat and set sail, course: south-east, destination: Munich. Bulkheads closed, crew complete, victual packed and ready to capture the Olympic Centre.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): One drink too many

Saturday, January 24th 2004 - 03:20:02 PM

Name: Robert Madsen
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: The year 1974 was a year that thrilled me completely: I heard my first Sailor song and I heard Mike Batt's first Womble song. Now, exactly 30 years later I am maintaining Mike Batt's official websites including his new discovery Katie Melua who just made it to the top in the UK Album charts. And I discovered that my other favorites Sailor from 1974 released their "Pirate Copy" DVD. I immediately ordered it and - WOW! First I was concerned that only two members of the original lineup were on stage. But Peter and Rob are great and it took only seconds to get aquainted to them. And I love them. I wish I could see them live at Tring but I have to work at this day. Pity.
The DVD completely blew me away - Fantastic how these four people can produce the whole Sailor sound on stage.
I hope that I can see them when they are in Germany
P.S.: visit my website as well
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): All I Need Is A Girl

Monday, February 2nd 2004 - 10:18:01 PM

Name: Schmidt Thomas
Comments: Als ich bei der Wiener Oldie-party war hab ich sie entdeckt:SAILOR. Sie haben genau den Musikstil der mich anspricht! Ein Tag nach dem Konzert ging ich ins Plattengeschäft und kaufte mir zwei CD's!!!!!!! Eine SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUper Band!!! Hoffentlich kommen sie wieder nach Wien! BIIIIITTEEEE!!! Es gibt viele Sailor-Fans hier in Wien,es würde sich auszahlen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Vera from Veracruz und A glass of champagne

Wednesday, February 4th 2004 - 02:31:35 PM

Name: The Lincolnettes
E-mail address:
Comments: We would like to comment on anybody that has written to this guestbook questioning the ability of Sailor's lead singer. We speak as the professional backing vocalists to Sir Peter Lincoln and we would like to eradicate such misconceptions as this musician is BLOODY MARVELLOUS.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Long Train Runnin'

Saturday, February 7th 2004 - 01:43:06 PM

Name: Marcel Hansen
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Goodmorning !
I'm searching for excellent quality concerts of Sailor on DVD or VHS. I already have the DVD from 2002. I need very good sound ( at least stereo )and picture quality.
Thanks in advance and look forward to hear from you !
Best Regards,
Marcel Hansen
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Blame it on the soft spot, Melancholy, Blue Desert, Panama

Monday, February 23rd 2004 - 04:28:23 PM

Name: NEWT
E-mail address:
Comments: great to find a SAILOR website, one of my fave bands when I was growing up.glad to see everything going well with them.also best wishes to Phil P and family,(used to know them when they lived in Richmond). Am unable to get to Tring gig but hope it goes well. All the best, NEWT.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Glass of champagne, Give me shakespeare, One drink too many and Girls,girls,girls

Wednesday, February 25th 2004 - 07:30:49 PM

Name: Schmidt Thomas
Comments: Hallo!!!!!!!! Kommt wieder mal nach Wien!!!!!!!!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): A glass of champagne

Monday, March 15th 2004 - 01:11:20 PM

Name: The Lincolnettes
E-mail address:
Comments: Hiermit moechten wir froh und frei der Welt verkuenden, dass Peter Lincoln heute seinen 21. Geburtstage feiert, zum 28. Male.
Lang Lebe Sir Peter Lincoln!

Monday, March 15th 2004 - 02:57:22 PM

Name: Stephen Hall
E-mail address:
Comments: Great gig last evening at the Court Theatre, Tring. Let's hope the next one is a little longer. So nice to meet you. Spo nice to meet so many enthusiastic fans. Can't wait for the book. What a wonderful audience. Can't make the 10am gig, here's to the next!

Sunday, March 21st 2004 - 10:18:29 AM

Name: mark
E-mail address:
Comments: the dissapointment of last nights short show was made up for at 10 oclock this morning by what can I say? a BRILLIANT!!!! 2 hours of sailor and worth going back for THANKS GUYS!!!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): soft spot(in full !!)

Sunday, March 21st 2004 - 06:58:38 PM

Name: Lucy Day
Comments: WOW! Today (21st March 2004) was my first Sailor concert but you can be sure, it'll not be my last. I'm completely hooked!! Shame about the power cut yesterday, but then again, not that many bands I know would have had the dedication to their fans come back the next morning and be just as fabulous. Sailor, I salute you!!!! :)

Sunday, March 21st 2004 - 10:11:43 PM

Name: Malcolm Knowles
E-mail address:
Comments: Those of us who did the "Tring Thing" will never forget it! Sunday's concert was brilliant and the band were just amazing for playing it after the difficult problems on Saturday night. I am sure not many bands would show such respect for their fans. It is sad that not everyone could make it back on Sunday morning, especially those European fans with flights to catch. However, I know that I for one made new friends over the weekend and I suspect that the next Sailor "Thing" will see the Sailor fan base going from strength to strength.
Now, I must go and write a full review otherwise Katrin will never forgive me!!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): The Old Nickelodeon Sound

Monday, March 22nd 2004 - 12:53:27 PM

Name: Steve
Comments: Great gig on Saturday, although we only got one song. Such a shame I couldn't make it again on Sunday - as well as many of the other fans. I hope the Danish and Dutch (and German?) people who had to miss the real concert had a good trip back home! I was so sorry. The audience was in such a fantastic mood and even sang for themselves during the powercut. I only wonder why Sailor didn't come out any do some unplugged songs or just sang a bit for (with all of) us(they are famous for their vocal harmonies!). Or they could have chatted to the people who were sure they had to miss the Sunday show - like myself. :-( Guess there was too much excitement.
Anyway, hope to see you again soon - under better circumstances. What an unfortunate kick-off for the 30th anniversary!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): A glass of champagne, Cool breeze, Old nickelodeon sound ......

Friday, March 26th 2004 - 04:46:37 PM

Name: Brian
Comments: What a mind-blowing start with the song Sailor that was - and then the nightmare power cut!! I was (and AM!) so sorry that I and so many others had to miss the *Sunday service* (as it was called on Saturday night, if my memory 's correct). I would have preferred a one hour version of that latin medley thing instead, even unplugged without energy.
Want to know what the band thinks about all that in retrospect.
What about another gig in the same place later this year?
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): All of 'em

Monday, March 29th 2004 - 08:30:27 PM

Name: ~Katrin
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: AHOY to all who were in Tring (Saturday and Sunday!),
we hope all of you who were there on Sunday and especially all of you who unfortunately had to miss the show on Sunday morning due to the unfortunate circumstances had a good trip back home!
Some new photos are online now - and there's hopefully still more to come!
If you have any photos, reviews or anything else about the "Tring Thing " that you would like to see here too, please e-mail them to us at - no matter if they are from day 1 or 2 !!
~ Katrin
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): The Secretary (& all the others...) + The Harbour Bar Bell ;-)

Tuesday, March 30th 2004 - 03:02:23 PM

Name: Phil Pickett
E-mail address:
Comments: Hi everyone!
I just wanted to thank all of our very special fans for their stoicism, dedication and enthusiasm in the face of adversity and the devastating power cut at Tring a couple of weeks ago and our first show in England for many moons (the only light we ended up seeing that night!)
Hearing the whole audience singing songs & having fun in the dark however (by the way, what else were you all doing out there?) was a very moving experience from an even darker dressing room & helped greatly to lighten the mood and sense of frustration we all felt when it finally dawned that the Concert would have to be postponed, electricity permitting, until Sunday morning at 10am. As Peter said in the dark "it feels like the best show we've never done!"
One or two of the fans have commented on the respect they felt was shown by the band for their audience in returning next day to play so early - but in my book all medals, awards and Gold Statuettes must surely go to the fans themselves for having the tenacity, love & dedication to drag themselves out of their warm Sunday beds to come back and see us! In many cases travel, accomodation and flights etc all had to be changed at the last minute, so please tell me what band out there ever had such a fantastic and loyal (& growing again!) collection of fans?
(Rob Alderton also deserves pats on back & 'drinks all round' for putting the show on in his own local theatre at Tring - as well as building and designing such a great stage set - well done shipmate!)
Anyway it all turned out great & memorable as these things often do in Sailor, and although a bizarre experience to say the least, we all eventually enjoyed a fantastic time together.
Do hope to see many of you again very soon, and especially next year up and down the country on our first major UK Tour, so tell all of your friends and bring them along - It promises to be a very special 30th Anniversary year for us kicked off in fine style by "the show that nearly never happened!"
So thanks again everyone -"Sailor Salutes You!"
Phil Pickett
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Nickelodeon Nights

Thursday, April 1st 2004 - 07:40:40 AM

Name: Sue
E-mail address: consulgirl@yahoo
Comments: DVD bought as a present, its amazing, love in the Navy and Hot Stuff - still speechless. Looking forward to the tour next year, please come up north!!!!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): One drink to many & glass of champagne

Thursday, April 1st 2004 - 08:10:15 AM

Name: mark
E-mail address: mec53@btinternet
Comments: looking forward to tour would like to hear a new live version of lets go to town
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): lets go to town,stay the night

Thursday, April 1st 2004 - 09:02:12 PM

Name: The Lincolnettes
E-mail address:
Comments: Phil, good to read your message. We have a great picture for you !!!!!!!!!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Karma Chameleon!

Friday, April 2nd 2004 - 11:56:39 PM

Name: Dominic Byrne
E-mail address:
Comments: Sailer r great the best band i have listend to in the 12 years that i have lived i av only got into them recently !!!! With Phil, Rob, Peter and Grant There Great o and Rob i av never heard the habour bar bell before but i av read the lyrics and it sounds great!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Glass Of Champane

Sunday, April 18th 2004 - 09:50:04 PM

Name: Martyn Panes
E-mail address:
Comments: Hi Marinero,
I have been a fan of Sailor since the beginning - I often wondered what happened to them assuming they had disappeared into complete obscurity! - pleasantly surprised to find out that they are still performing and recording(sadly without george) but I can now look forward to maybe hearing the nickleodean sound live once more thanks to your great website!
Keep up the good work!!
Kind Regards.
Martyn Panes.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Panama, Lets Go To Town, Blue Desert

Friday, April 30th 2004 - 09:43:10 PM

Name: Andreas Boose (the old-fashioned dreamer)
Comments: Ahoi, Katrin (Marinero) & Karsten (Cap K.).
Ja Ihr seht richtig,ich habe es endlich mal geschafft in's Internet-Cafe zu gehen! Ich möchte mich hiermit noch mal
1000-fach bei Euch bedanken, daß Ihr das Charango so lange
für mich "behütet" habt!!! Der Kurz-Trip zu Euch war klasse!!! Bleibt so wie Ihr seit, dann wird der Mythos "SAILOR" dank Euch niemals in Vergessenheit geraten.
Karsten: Der Soundtrack "Die geheimnisvolle Insel" ist bestellt! Bis bald: Andy !

Tuesday, June 15th 2004 - 04:02:40 PM

Name: Linda Welch
E-mail address:
Comments: Just back from the Marvellous '04 Festival with Pete (yes, *our* Pete) and Hugh on Friday and Sailor on Saturday. Only one word to describe the whole experience ... M*A*R*V*E*L*L*O*U*S*!!
Other bands appearing were the Counterfeit Stones and Bjorn Again ... I know that many came JUST to see the Stones and Bjorn Again but they definitely went away as fans of Pete & Hugh and Sailor!
Thanks to the lovely Mr Lincoln for his wonderful (or should I say marvellous?) organisation of the whole event, to Hugh for coming down from 'up North' to team up with Pete again and give us such a wonderful show on Friday, and, of course, to SAILOR for a BLOODY MARVELLOUS gig on Saturday!
If you didn't make the weekend, you missed a treat. If you did manage to get there, you will know how great it was. Hope it all goes ahead again next year!
Linda xxx
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): All of them far too good to make a choice!

Sunday, June 27th 2004 - 10:11:36 PM

Name: Yannick
E-mail address: yannick1m@yahoo_de
Comments: Trouble von Sailor habe ich Anfang der 90er in der Plattensammlung meiner Eltern gefunden. Waren schon ein paar gute Sachen drauf, fand ich aber damals nicht so prickelnd. Bei meinem nächsten Besuch im Plattenladen entdeckte ich beim Stöbern die Scheibe Street Lamp, und hörte sie mal Probe. Wow! Von da ab war ich begeistert. Georg Kajanus ist ein erstklassiger Songwriter, und ich meine der Nickelodeon-Sound mit seiner Urlaubsstimmung hat in den 90ern einige Nachahmer gefunden, wie z.B. Mr President mit Coco Jambo. Leider habe ich es nicht geschafft, die Noir-Single aufzutreiben, aber dafür habe ich mich umso mehr gefreut, als ich 2000 auf Tim Dry's website das Album fand. Ich hätte nie geglaubt, dass ich mal ein Dancefloor-Album lieben würde, aber mit Strange Desire haben es Noir geschafft. Und das liegt nicht nur an den eingängigen Melodien, sondern vor allem auch an den Texten. I love that certain cosmo Euromix! Hier auf euerer Seite, die ganz klasse gemacht ist, habe ich mal was gelesen, dass Georg Kajanus an einem neuen Projekt arbeitet. Wie ist denn da der Stand der Dinge? Ich freue mich schon drauf, davon was zu hören.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Mambo Loco, Who Cares, Under the Moon, The Secretary, Soapland

Wednesday, June 30th 2004 - 08:29:07 PM

Name: othmar
E-mail address:
Comments: hi there ! got a special request, if anybody knows, where to get a SAILOR t-shirt with the band logo ??? i´m searching for a while, as i need it as a present for my wife..... would be great to hear from you with a helpful adress ?
greetings from vienna, austria
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): the old nickelodeon sound

Saturday, July 10th 2004 - 04:32:50 PM

Name: Alison & Ski (the BA Fans) Davis
E-mail address:
Comments: Hi
It was great to meet you at Wellington Park in June 2004. We have not forgotten that we are going to send you a copy of the photos we took of Sailor. They are on a disc but having problems with computer - will send when get computer running again. Sailor were excellent and it was great to meet the guys afterwards.
We must have been easily remembered as AJ was in a blue mack and white platform boots.
Going to look out our Sailor LP's from the record collection to listen to again. We will definitely be getting tickets for the tour next year in the UK. We also like The Sweet & The Rubettes. We saw both The Sweet & The Rubettes at Royal Victoria Park in Southampton on the day after Sailor & BA.
As BA fans would say L & G (Love & Glitter)
AJ & Ski
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Sailor & Traffic Jam (AJ) Glass of Champagne & Girls x 3 (Ski)

Saturday, July 10th 2004 - 10:31:38 PM

Name: Katrina
E-mail address:
Comments: I really enjoyed your site.

Wednesday, July 14th 2004 - 01:06:03 AM

Name: Andreas Boose (the old-fashioned dreamer)
Comments: Hi Katrin, hi Karsten. Ich sitze mal seit langer Zeit wieder im Internet-Cafe hier in Gelsenkirchen um immer noch weitere Infos über unsere "Außnahme-Musiker" zu finden!
Ich bin dabei auch schon "fündig" geworden. Geht einfach mal bei (GOOGLE) unter Georg Kajanus in`s Internet.Ihr werdet sehen da gibt es noch einiges.Zum Beispiel über den Film "Didn`t do it for Love". Ferner die Instrumente die er bei Sailor/Data und in einigen Filmen benutzt hat!!!
Ich probiere gerade,ob über unsere anderen "Seemänner" auch etwas zu finden ist. OK. Das war es erstmal.
Ich melde mich in den nächsten Tagen bei Euch. AHOI, und herzliche Grüße an alle Fans!
Bis bald! Andreas (the old-fashioned dreamer).
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Stiletto Heels , Girls of Amsterdam, Sailor`s night on the town, The Street, Two ladies on the corner, Melancholy, Memory Lane, When my ship comes in.

Thursday, August 5th 2004 - 01:54:45 PM

Name: Grignion Schrama
E-mail address:
Comments: Hello Sailor fans,
Finally I am going to see Sailor live in concert, during the next Dutch tour with the Rubettes, in Vlaardingen, Holland, november 21!
I am a fan of them since the first single, back in 1974, but never got the chance to see them earlier.
Now it's only Phil and Grant left from the original line up, but I know for sure that Rob and Peter will do a good job during the live performances.
It's a shame Georg left the band, since he was the main attrection for many people and he wrote most of the songs...
Hope to see him live in another musical adventure soon.
Katrin and Karstin, keep up the good work, what a fantastic site, one of the best I ever surfed to!
Warm greetings from Delft, Holland
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Glass of champagne

Wednesday, August 11th 2004 - 01:19:02 PM

Name: Tommy
E-mail address:
Comments: Supertolle Seite,sehr informativ.
weiter so!!!!!
Ein SWEET-Fan aus Berlin
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): A glass of Champagne

Sunday, August 22nd 2004 - 12:45:54 PM

Name: cliff
E-mail address:
Comments: just found this site by accident, pleased i did brought back some brill memorys. First saw sailor with steve harly in concert at hammersmith odeon. sailor are the best thing that happend since the beatles. read on the site there will be tour dates in 2005 cant wait. sailor keep up the good music
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): every one a gem

Monday, September 13th 2004 - 08:44:31 PM

Name: Jyoti Mishra
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Just played 'Glass of Champagne' tonight when I was DJing and I had to sign this guestbook. What an AMAZING pop song, what a fantastic band.

Tuesday, September 28th 2004 - 03:51:01 AM

Name: Callie
Comments: 01.10.04 in Siddeburen-Schanspop 2000. was te gek!!!
Cool, Gaaf, klasse...en veel lol.
Komen jullie volgend jaar weer?
Bye bye see u soon;Next year in Siddeburen?
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Alles

Tuesday, October 5th 2004 - 02:27:42 PM

Name: Sue
E-mail address:
Comments: Thanks for coming "up North"
See you in Halifax or closer.
Looking forward to "Live Hot Stuff"
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Stay the Night and 1 Drink to many

Thursday, October 14th 2004 - 06:03:09 PM

Name: Stephen Brown
E-mail address:
Comments: come to australia
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Sailor

Sunday, October 17th 2004 - 12:52:53 PM

Name: Julian Close
E-mail address:
Comments: just looked on the site and cannot believe it after nearly 30 years Sailor are coming back to Liverpool amazing stuff can hardly wait theres only one other part of my dream to come true now i would love to be the lucky person who introduces them to the liverpool audience
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): blame it on the soft spot

Thursday, October 21st 2004 - 01:18:03 AM

Name: mark
Comments: got my ticket for croyden look forward to concert hope to go to more
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): blame it on the soft spot!! lets go to town

Saturday, October 30th 2004 - 11:59:11 AM

Name: James McCarraher
Comments: Hi Katrin
Keep up the good work. This has to be STILL the best band site on the WWW! ;-)

30.10.2004 21:39

Name: John
E-mail address:
Comments: What a great site! been wondering what happened to them.. great work.. i'm in Australia by the way

01.11.2004 1:46

Name: Grignion Schrama
E-mail address:
Comments: As I said earlier in a mail, what a great site, nice to look up facts, or read the concert reviews by fans, especially Katrin and Karsten, really nice!
This sunday I'm finally going to see Sailor live in Vlaardingen, really looking forward to that!
Maybe see you both?
What do you all think of The Rubettes, or the combination of the two, on tour?

17.11.2004 11:47

Name: Beatrix Potter
love from your secret admirers xx

19.11.2004 13:56

Name: Lody
Comments: Happy birthday Phil. I will be at 3 concerts!!!
Egmond, Drachten and Leeuwarden.

19.11.2004 15:06

Name: Grignion Schrama
E-mail address:
Comments: Today I listened to Dutch radio program TROS Muziekcafe featuring Sailor live, performing 3 songs plus interview. Of course I recorded it on MD.
Great to hear them play live and next sunday going to one of their shows in Holland, Vlaardingen!
I''m gonna look up all my old music magazines from the seventies featuring articles by Sailor, play their music all weekend long, so I'll be in a good mood for their show!
I almost forgot and a bit late: Happy birthday Phil!

20.11.2004 19:10

Name: Larry Torre
Comments: It took a new all-regions DVD player, but I just viewed my new copy of Pirate Live and I'd like to kindly thanks the Sailor boys. As one of the extremely rare American fans, this is indeed a delight. Maybe next time I see you in person at one of your concerts, eh?

21.11.2004 1:08

Name: Ella Beentjes
E-mail address:
Comments: I've been to your concert yesterday in Egmond. What a great performance. I really enjoyed the show. Next time i will be there!!!

21.11.2004 13:59

Name: Grignion
E-mail address:
Comments: Yesterday i went to the Sailor show in Vlaardingen, great show but too short.
I already knew they would perform for only an hour or so, but I missed some favourites of mine like The secretary... but what they did played was absolute brilliant. Grant mentioned my hometown Delft during the show because they visited Delft in 1974 because there was a museum of street organs, I talked about that after the show with him, I will find out what's happened with the museum, Grant!
Thanks Sailor for a great evening of live music, but where were Katrin and Karsten???
I thought, finally I'm gonna meet these two superfans, but no.... maybe next time!

Glad you enjoyed the show! (And sorry about "The Secretary" (my favourite!) as it was in the top 5 in Holland - see page 345 of the SAILOR book ­). Unfortunately Karsten and I couldn't be at the Vlaardingen show. We were at the first show in Egmond aan Zee, and I will be at some of the last concerts. ~Katrin (MARINERO)

22.11.2004 16:31

Name: Ingrid Foppen
E-mail address:
Comments: I was so lucky to win tickets for the Sailor concert in Arnhem yesterday.I was surprised with how much fun they are on stage!It was a great concert,people where dancing and singing,the sphere was so good.Thank you Sailor for a lovely evening.

23.11.2004 21:34

Name: Ralf Willemsen
E-mail address:
Comments: Hallo Sailor Fans,
morgen am Fr. 26.11.04 werde ich zu meinem 2.Sailor-Konzert nach Rijssen fahren. Hoffentlich werde ich wieder einige Fans treffen. Nach all den Berichten wirds wieder SUPER werden.
Viele Grüße an Katrin und Karsten !! Macht weiter so.

25.11.2004 18:22

Name: Lis Watson
E-mail address:
Comments: Looking forward to seeing the band in Scarborough in 2005. My own sailor husband is the fan who introduced me to their unique, fun music. Can't wait for April.

26.11.2004 13:03

Name: Gerd Simmons
Comments: What a fantastic tour! I really enjoyed your show! Congratulations to your 30th anniversary. It was a wonderful night out for us, but we missed a couple of your big Dutch hits. What about THE SECRETARY and ONE DRINK TOO MANY and STILETTO HEELS. ­ Those were even bigger than some of the things you played, espec. your 90's-come-back-hit! But you were (are!) really fantastic and I wish all fans who see the tour much much fun. The Rubettes are great too. Shame you couldn't play longer (but shouldn't both bands play more than an hour each when they celebrate their 30th?!) Hope you all come back to the Netherlands soon.

Ahoy there! Which of the concerts have you seen? Quite a few fans have mentioned the songs, but the problem with SAILOR is that they actually have so many famous songs and also other fantastic live material that it's always difficult to choose... Actually they are one of the most underrated bands, I guess, as most people only think of them with "Girls" and "Champagne" - but as you say: there's so much more! ­ ~Katrin (MARINERO)

26.11.2004 15:53

Name: Peter
E-mail address:
Comments: Ich habe vom Problem mit den russischen Schwarpressungen gelesen. Natürlich sollte man derlei Projekte nicht unterstützen, da sie illegal sind und die Künstler keinen Cent Tantiemen erhalten.

Aber stellen wir uns mal die Frage: Wieso gibt es überhaupt einen Markt für derlei Schwarpressungen? Antwort: Weil Sony Music es bisher immer noch verabsäumt hat, die 6 Alben, an denen sie die Rechte besitzen, komplett auf CD zu veröffentlichen!

Was ist bisher geschehen? Zuerst gab's ihr berühmtestes Album "Trouble" auf CD, dann "Sailor" und "The Third Step". "Checkpoint" und "Dressed For Drowning" wurden nie auf CD veröffentlicht und "Hideaway" gibt's zwar bei Sony Music, aber als Japan-Import.

Wieso diese undurchsichtige Veröffentlichungspolitik? Warum sagt niemand: OK Freunde, jetzt bringen wir den gesamten Backkatalog auf CD heraus.

Auf Grund der Laufzeiten der einzelnen Alben, gingen sich locker alle 6 Original-Alben auf 3 CDs aus, was den Kaufanreiz erhöhen würde! LG Peter

Ahoi Peter, das ist eine durchaus berechtigte Frage bzw. Feststellung und trifft voll und ganz auch unsere Meinung! Kein Wunder, dass ständig neue Schwarzpressungen auftauchen, wenn es die Originalalben kaum oder gar nicht auf CD gibt. Die alten Alben müssten auf jeden Fall endlich alle auf CD verfügbar sein...! Also liebe Plattenfirmen: tut doch mal was! ­ ~Katrin (MARINERO)

03.12.2004 17:19

Name: Thorsten
E-mail address:
Comments: HAPPY BIRTHDAY liebe Katrin!! Mach weiter so mit dieser tollen Homepage. Ich hoffe Du hast Gelegenheit zu feiern (in Holland)?! LG

Ahoi, vielen lieben Dank. Wir haben in Holland (Roermond) sogar vorgefeiert, da die SAILOR-Jungs eine große Überraschung für mich hatten. Siehe Konzertbericht. Ich hoffe ich kriege noch Fotos davon... ~Katrin (MARINERO)

03.12.2004 18:04

Name: Lucienne
E-mail address:
Comments: Hi there,
I must admit that I am one of the people who only knew Sailor from the seventies. I could sing along the hits, but that was just it! As a Rubettes-fan I was asked to take care of the merchandising for the band during their Dutch tour. And because I was doing that, I could also do the merchandising for Sailor. This gave me the opportunity to meet Sailor. They are very nice guys with a great sence of humor! I've enjoyed these two weeks very much and who knows I will see the guys again, somewhere....

Ahoy! We have really enjoyed the gigs - as Sailor and The Rubettes were absolutely marvellous. We hope to see you all again soon to continue the fun... ~Katrin (MARINERO)

04.12.2004 0:37

Name: Melanie
Comments: I have saw Sailor in Holland last week. You boys are so fantastic! I have be a fan since the 1970's and liked the old band, but no I seen the new band first and they are... fantastic! Pete Lincoln is the best performer I ever saw and Rob Alderton plays so very good the Nickelodeon and everything. I was so impressed!! I of course love Phil and Grant too! ­ Please come back to the Netherlands soon... Yours - Melanie

05.12.2004 17:44

Name: Martin
E-mail address:
Comments: I only knew the band from their seventies-hits and actually did not like them that much. Sorry! Untill I had the opportunity to see them perform live in Kerkrade and I must admit that the guys gained a new fan! Absolutely fabulous show, sound and overall performance!!!
Before the show, after parking my car near the thater, a car stopped in front of me. An english talking gentleman asked where he could find the Parkstad Limburg Theater. "Aha", I said in my enthousiasm over coming events that night, "you are visiting the Rubettes-concert !?!?" "No", the man replied alsmost choqued, "we are Sailor!" Sorry for not recognizing you Grant, but you slightly changed over the last 30 years....

06.12.2004 10:50

Name: Astrid
Comments: I've seen Sailor in Arnhem 3 weeks ago.Cos of my age I only knew a few songs of them.But after their performance a new fan was "born".I was too shy to tell it during the meet and greet so I'll tell you guys this way: You were awesome!
and this site is great too.
Be sure to visit the NL again !

06.12.2004 21:31

Name: Chrissy
Comments: When can we finally get the "Harbour Bar Bell" on single???

Ahoy! Well, that is a good and appropriate question... ~Katrin (MARINERO)

09.12.2004 17:55

Name: Thorsten
E-mail address:
Comments: Whatever happened to the... Anthology CD Box? ­ We want "Buried Treasure"... 

16.12.2004 21:03

Name: Linda
E-mail address:
Comments: Nice to see so many fans signing the new guestbook and a huge welcome to the Rubettes fans who have been kind enough to sign! I only managed to catch Sailor in Egmond during the Dutch tour this year, but have tickets for next year - look out for me in the front row in Bournemouth, Manchester, Oxford, Basingstoke and Salisbury ... I'll never equal Katrin's tally of over 60 gigs but I'm at least going to get into double figures!

Merry Christmas to all the fans (and 'the boys', of course!)

Linda xxx

PS : All this talk of rabbits and carrots is *ferry inderesdink* to a psychotherapist ..... If anyone needs to talk things over, my rates are very reasonable! ;-)

20.12.2004 1:11

Name: Brian Bayley
E-mail address:
Comments: Are Sailor planning to finish their UK tour with a solo headline show similar to High Wycombe and Tring? It would be a good opportunity for all those fans who missed Tring because of the power cut.

There is something planned for late 2005... Watch this space! ;-) ~Katrin (MARINERO)

31.12.2004 9:02

Name: Steve
Comments: Is there still any kind of official fan club for the band that people can join? Unfortnately I wasn't a member of the old one, but we briefly met the former secretary (I believe) Andrea (?) at the GREAT concert in High Wycombe, where she also showed some current photos of Georg and his new home. Of course we also met the great Wagners there that memorable night! ­ Can any of you make it to High Wycombe again this year? Looking forward to seeing the guys on their UK tour! Steve

30.10.2004 21:39

Name: paul jerrard
E-mail address:
Comments: hi , briefly love the track girls girls girls , does anyone know where i can get a really good backing track as wanted to cover this track in our cabaret show male lead with four gorgeous dancers .please please try and help us out and reply with details to our e mail address big thank you .

26.01.2005 13:46

Name: The Lincolnettes
Comments: Have a MARVELLOUS birthday Grant.

09.02.2005 9:59

Name: Steve Atkins aka (Austalgia)
E-mail address:
Comments: European & Northern hemisphere people generally take some things they would never consider a luxury for granted. The top artists in the world play regularly on or near their doorstep. In Australia our isolation can be a blessing but at the same time it can be a curse . The price we pay can be missing such things as the pleasure of seeing live performances of "the lyrics , the melodies , the genius of Sailor and (naturally) the old Nickelodeon sound... "
We console ourselves with a CD , a cheap glass of wine and an open mind to transport us to a place and time we will never know. Part of me is always there.

10.02.2005 10:14

Name: Jan
E-mail address:
Comments: Thanks guys for a GRET Manchester concert,(on the 20/02/05) it was truely wonderful evening.I loved the "In the Navy/Hot Stuff" Great Fun.By the way the DVD is Fab.
Once again, thank you from a Sailor which goes back to the days when you supported Roxy Music.
Looking forward to the new C.D. "Burried Treasure".

27.02.2005 8:20

Name: Nick
Comments: Excellent! this has to be one of the best fansites I've seen. Informative, colourful and good fun too - though I dread to think how much time and dedication it must take to produce such a thorough appraisal of the band, past and present. It's certainly encouraged me a) to play through the first two albums which I bought way back in the 70s and b) to spend money on Ebay too! Tut-tut!! Great music...I must endeavour to indoctrinate my wife and children and come along to the next solo Sailor concert. Keep up the good work!

01.03.2005 22:58

Name: Tom
Comments: Love this HP here! Always such fun to see the updates of all past and present Sailors and read the reviews. The concert photos are great! I see that the Sailor live show is still as good and entertaining (or even more) as it used to be in the 70s! Got the new autographed photo as few days ago which says . Is that a new homepage? The address is unavailable?! To all of you who go to see them on the tour or afterwards: It's really worth it (even though the sets of all 3 bands are too short for my taste). Have fun! ;-)

Ahoy! will be available soon as the official band homepage for promotion, booking requests etc. We will keep you informed when it's ready and online right here! ~Katrin (Webmaster)

02.03.2005 12:46

Name: Sue
Comments: Great concert in Halifax, but why o why did u leave before meeting the fans at the interval, there were some very upset fans, especially as you had finally made it "up North". Full Monty/Hot stuff

08.03.2005 15:22

Name: john barry
E-mail address:
Comments: Hello!I'm completely new to this board having believed Sailor were a band time had forgotten!It's great to see that so many fans still exist and there's such an excellent and informative web-site.I'm really interested in any videos or audios from past or present concerts.I saw them in Feb 76 at Brighton and it was one of the best live gigs i've been to!If anyone has a copy of the 74 BBC In Concert or any other material from the 'early years' please e-mail me.I'd be forever grateful!!

Ahoy! Thanks, glad you like the homepage! Videos: We do have lots of SAILOR videos of all the different line-ups from 1974 until today. My collection includes almost all the videos you can see here at the "TV performances chronology" (all the ones that have screenshots) as well as many self-filmed live recordings. I will e-mail you some details about our video collection. ~Katrin (Webmaster)

09.03.2005 19:51

Name: Steve
Comments: The Swan Theatre in High Wycombe has phoned to say the concert is cancelled! Why??? :-( Has anybody got further information? We have been looking forward to this gig for ages...

10.03.2005 13:37

Name: mark
Comments: my date at croydon cancelled as well :-( now have tickets for oxford ­ but i was at the sunday service last march ;-)

13.03.2005 16:19

Name: Steve Goldspink
E-mail address:
Comments: Greetings from a Sweet fan who enjoyed rediscovering Sailor. Great web page too. ;-)

13.03.2005 19:14

Name: Kevin Willoughby
E-mail address:
Comments: Anyone know when buried treasure is released - Phil told me 2 weeks and that was over 3 weeks ago - are they having problems with the pressing?

In his last newsletter from the tour last weekend Phil said '"Buried Treasure" launch minus 20 days and counting!' - so it can't be long (I know I know... common sentence in this case ­ ) There was a problem because an important CD with rare material for the booklet got stolen recently, as far as we know (that's another long story!). But everything should be ok by now ­ ~Katrin (Webmaster)

15.03.2005 13:48

Name: Jenni Davis
E-mail address:
Comments: I have just been to the Glitz Blitz concert in Bournemouth and thoroughly enjoyed the evening. I thought that The Sweet and The Rubettes were great but Sailor really stood out in my opinion, i thought that they were fantastic. I loved the fact that not only are they extremely talented but also they were so entertaining and funny. I havent enjoyed a concert so much for years. I loved Sailor when they first hit the charts but was only 10 then,can fully appreciate them now. Would love to hear from any other fans,especially local. ;-)

Where exactly were you at the Pavilion Theatre? I was one of the crazy girls in the Sailor-outfits in the front row (the one with the blue/white sailor jacket and the blue bandanna etc.) It really was a marvellous show of all 3 bands and I'm glad I managed to come over from Germany to see this one show of the tour! ~Katrin (Webmaster)

23.03.2005 13:00

Name: Jenni Davis
E-mail address:
Comments: Hi Katrin, I was in the 2nd row on the end in the block to the right of you (near the speakers !) but we had a good view as there was no-one in front of us. I remember you - couldnt miss you 2 ­ It was nice to go to a concert where nearly everyone got up and danced , joined in and had fun (even though there where less than half the seats filled) A couple near us hardly clapped or moved during the whole thing except at the end - didnt stop my husband Chris and i though !! It was the first time i've seen Sailor live and now i want MORE MORE MORE !! They are Fab. Great photos by the way.

24.03.2005 0:44

Name: Ken
E-mail address:
Comments: As always Katrin,yours continues to be THE definitive SAILOR site.Thanx for keeping us informed.
Ken K

31.03.2005 0:47

Name: Natasha Read
E-mail address:
Comments: Hello Sailor!

You are the Greatest Band in the world & I'm sure you know it. I have listened to your music since I can remember, you have been there through thick & thin for me.
I have bred my love of your music into my 5 children - they absolutely love it, the chance to sing and dance around the house pretending to be GREAT like you.
On the other hand it is taking a little longer with my husband, He thinks I'm nuts.
But I have noticed: out of the corner of my eye his body moving to the beat, trying to sing a line or two without me catching full on site of him - he is a hard one to crack but You've nearly done it.
If he annoys me I don't give him the silent treatment - I give him the "sailor" treatment. He is getting used to you though.

Tasmania, Australia is an Absolutely Beautiful place to Holiday - Maybe you could Tour here & Relish in it.
All My Love For Ever

P.S. "Think a happy thought and let the sun shine in".

06.04.2005 18:01

Name: Ton de Graaf
E-mail address:
Comments: I am looking for the CD's Sailor from 1974, and Sailor
Trouble from 1975.
Sony Music 4694452 and 465581 2. I have the LP's but would very much like those numbers on CD.

11.04.2005 17:43

Name: Heiner
E-mail address:
Comments: hi, there
first of all, many greetings and the best whishes to you katrin, hope we see us again mabye at the planned solo-concert this year. Now I will use the chance to tell all the sailor-fans, that there is a possibility to get the sailor lps "checkpoint" and "dressed for drowning" in a high quality on cd!!! just have a look here:
see you in town

12.04.2005 1:03

Name: Karen
Comments: Today the tour is over and we still don't have 'Buried Treasure'... WHY? (oh why). Did the ship carrying the treasure chest full of CDs to us sink on it's way (Danger on the Titanic)? Or did it sail past Hong Kong and got into trouble there? Was the third step a step too far? Didn't they let it past the checkpoint? I could go on and on...
Lovely squeezed photo there on this new band homepage... ­ When can we expect more from (and what more can we want than what is here)? Or did the webmaster of that one drown along with the 'Buried Treasure'?

13.04.2005 8:25

Name: Olaf
E-mail address:
Comments: Hi all,
I want to inform you that the page Heiner mentioned herein is no longer available. I talked to Phil Pickett yesterday via e-mail, and he said he personally doesn't have anything against us fans celebrating the music of SAILOR and exchanging music material for our private purposes, but he is sure that the lawyers of SONY are very hostile and will one day proceed against my activity. So I have deleted the page with my offer. Anyway, I think my website is worth a regular visit. ;-)
(Webmaster of High Grounds)

13.04.2005 13:13

Name: Lis
E-mail address:
Comments: Just got back from holiday to a message that the Scarborough & Hull Glitz Blitz concerts are cancelled. Even more gutting just signed on to see that the last gig was just over the water in Grimsby 2 nights ago.
When can we see Sailor in Yorkshire again? My sailor husband is the fan who introduced me to the wonderful Sailor music and I was sooo looking forward to my first live glimpse of the band. From a review I see that the Autumn gig is likely to be in the Big Smoke but could the band possibly do a couple of UK concerts especially in areas that missed out with the tour cancellations. I'm sure there are plenty of fans out there who would really appreciate such a move.

15.04.2005 11:45

Name: Thorsten
E-mail address:
Comments: Ahoi! So the tour in UK is over now? It's sad we can't get here a tour like this. What do Sailor think. Was the tour success? I hope they had all much fun.

15.04.2005 19:36

Name: ?
Comments: On 13th March you said ""Buried Treasure" launch minus 20 days and counting!" on the Lates News & Dates page in Phil's message from the tour. This is more than one moth ago...??? :-(

16.04.2005 18:38

Name: James McCarraher
E-mail address:
Comments: Hi Katrin
I note that you have a special rating section for your website.
It is beyond any reasonable doubt the best fan site I have ever come across - nobody does it better!

27.04.2005 22:15

Name: Brian Bayley
E-mail address:
Comments: Would it be possible to let me know when and where the UK autumn headline gig is planned for this year . I work shifts and need to plan things well in advance. Many thanks.

09.05.2005 13:27

Name: Austalgia/ ( Steve Atkins)
E-mail address:
Comments: I am interested in getting a "Sailor" promotional or concert t-shirt / sweat shirt Are they available anywhere ? ( Size would need to be F.T.M.B. (Far Too Much Beer)

10.05.2005 10:25

Name: Owlknight
E-mail address:

Quotation of Henry Marsh's guestbook entry at > Harbour - The Sailor Appreciation Page < (see Links) from 02 August 1999:
"Mike we never supported Queen in New York. We played the Bottom Line in Greenwich Village,
supporting Tommy Bolin, who was previously in Deep Purple, I think. We did some biggish venues in Santa Monica and San Diego, but the rest of the tour was clubs.
Thankyou for remembering us after all this time.
Henry Marsh"

11.05.2005 17:45

Name: Helen Tyas
E-mail address:
Comments: I did have all 3 sailor lp's until i got in a strop and flung one at my ex husband , something i still regret.For me the only sailor sound was with georg as front man and it cant be replaced. Love to all fans of that era

17.05.2005 13:44

Name: Terry O'Shea
E-mail address:
Comments: I am a long time fan of (30 years! Having moved back to Canada from Europe in 1981, it has been hard to locate Sailor CD's to replace my albums and cassettes. Where is the best place yo get the CD's? I also noticed the Sailor DVD, "Pirate Copy - Sailor Live In Concert".......this is a must have for me! Is is only available in PAL or can I get a NTSC version for Canada? Again, where is the best place to get this DVD? Anybody?

The best places to get the DVD are:
1. directly from Sailor via Paypal (see Merchandise page) or
2. (probably even easier) from , or . Search DVDs for "Sailor Live" and you get it.
As far as I know it's only available in PAL, but at the website it says "Encoding: Region 1 (U.S. and Canada only)" Not sure if that's right though, as the company that produced it - - says "Region 0 PAL" instead.
~Katrin (Webmaster)

26.05.2005 8:16

Name: Gerd Schwonke
E-mail address:
Comments: Die neue CD " SAILOR - BEST - Down by the Docks " ist echt super und es sind alle tolle Songs von SAILOR drauf, die ich selbst als Favorit ausgesucht hatte.
Vielen DANK für die Veröffentlichung dieser CD.
Beste Grüße
Gerd Schwonke

22.06.2005 13:38

Name: Christine Braun-Rode
Comments: Sailor, I have seen you on TV ("Ultimative Chart Show" on RTL) this weekend and it was really great! Dear Peter, you looked really fantastic! I thought you are 10 years younger at least. Can I marry you? ;-) (Just kidding). All the best. Christine

27.06.2005 15:01

Name: Lois Marino
E-mail address:
Comments: Hello Sailors! You probably don't remember me but I was your CBS International publicist in the New York office for the first two Epic Sailor albums. After all these years, I still love your music and think you are one of the best bands ever. Bring the show to New York City and let's have a reunion! Lois

28.06.2005 15:16

Name: Steve Morris
E-mail address:
Comments: 23 albums later I am proud to have discovered you guys in the brothel in Paris those many years ago - sagacious son or not...

15.07.2005 5:48

Name: Ian
E-mail address:
Comments: hi been a sailor fan for 31 years since traffic jam was released im waiting patiently for buried treasure to be released.will the new cd down by the docks be releashed over here if so when hoping to join the next chat hope to hear from other sailor fans via e-mail take care all ian

19.07.2005 21:33

Name: ~Katrin (Webmaster)
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Message: Rob Alderton has left the SAILOR ship today... To read a statement from the band and a message from Rob please go to the NEWS page! Please sign the guestbook if you have any comments and/or questions about this.

We are sorry to have to inform you that we have to be offline for a while. Please come back!

Rob Alderton hat heute das SAILOR Schiff verlassen... Ein Statement von der Band und eine Nachricht von Rob sind im NEWS Bereich zu finden! Bitte tragt Euch ins Gästebuch ein, wenn ihr irgendwelche Kommentare und/oder Fragen hierzu habt.

Es tut uns leid, Euch mitteilen zu müssen, dass wir für eine Weile offline sein werden. Bitte kommt wieder!

Friday, July 29th 2005 - 05:53:16 PM

Name: jj
Message: We're all going to miss you Rob you made the band whole and you always had energy! It will never be the same without you. Wish you the best of luck.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Traffic jam, Girls girls girls, Vera Cruze!

Friday, July 29th 2005 - 07:19:04 PM

Name: Uli
E-mail address:
Message: I'm really sorry about Rob to leave Sailor. He gave the band very much new inspiration, he always was in a good mood and friendly to us, the fans of Sailor. Without him, the unforgetable concert in High Wycombe would never have taken place. I'm glad, I own the DVD and can alway remember that unique night at the "Swan Theatre". I wish him all the very best for his proffesional and personal futurem thank you Rob.

Your favourite SAILOR song(s): ./.

Saturday, July 30th 2005 - 09:10:31 AM

Name: Linda
E-mail address:
Message: I'm really very sad to learn that Rob will no longer be taking his rightful place at the nickelodeon. Rob was always more than just a replacement for Henry/Anthony, he had the drive and enthusiasm, not to mention the talent, to keep the momentum of Sailor going. The High Wycombe show, the 'Tring Thing' and, of course, the first new song from Sailor in a decade, 'The Harbour Bar Bell', are all down to Rob, and will not be forgotten by the fans who were at those gigs, or who've heard the song.
The ship may sail on, but at the moment it's bobbing about in choppy waters and right now, I'm feeling a little sea-sick.
Goodbye Rob, good luck, and see you in the West End with Fast Food!
Linda xx
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Glass of Champagne, Knock Knock, Sailor .... and all the others!

Saturday, July 30th 2005 - 11:26:28 AM

Name: Cap K
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Message: Ahoy ~ all on board here...~
I can't believe what happened now: The best keyboarder Sailor could get (after the original member Henry) has to go, under (again) strange circumstances!? ~ "Great guys", next time, you'll go on stage as the "Sailor-cover-band", or do you like to invite an original member to come back?
Rob worked so hard on the shows, the stage for the DVD was created by him, he tried to re-create the old Nickelodeon sound/the original Sailor sound etc.... how could it be that the man who did the best work this time had to leave?
:-o :-o :-o :-o
I don't know, how they would go on now, all the very best for Rob > contact the "Master" and "The original Panamanian wreck" and create an original Sailor-Band.
I'm speechless after this......
Greetz: cap K ~
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Street Lamp

Saturday, July 30th 2005 - 04:43:36 PM

Name: Malcolm
E-mail address:
Message: Sorry to see you go Rob - I guess it was a case of what journalists often describe as "musical differences". Having watched you at a number of the recent UK gigs I had seen signs that your heart was no longer in it. There were nights when the other three were clearly giving it their all, despite small audiences, whilst you appeared to be going through the motions. I guess the writing was on the wall.
Still, be proud of what you achieved - us Sailor fans loved having you onboard. You did try so very hard and you will be missed......and definately hard to replace (unless Henry has the desire to give it another bash!!).
Still the show must go on - let's be positive about what lies ahead. Phil/Grant/Peter let's dish out the Buried Treasure (PLEASE) and set sail once again. The waters ahead may be uncharted but, hey, that's what makes the voyage exciting. See you in the next port.
Regards to all,

Saturday, July 30th 2005 - 07:24:49 PM

Name: Astrid
Message: What's going on here?
I just came home from my summer holiday and checked the site for news about the buried treasure.
I didn't expect news like this!
I wish Rob all the best in his further career and hope the other Sailors will sail on...

Saturday, July 30th 2005 - 09:45:36 PM

Name: Rick
Message: I have always been a fan of Sailor, I remember seeing Girls, Girls, Girls on Top Of The Pops (English Music Show) as a kid and being amazed at the differnet sound they had from all the other bands on there. It was old sounding, like I had heard it before but still modern enough not to be out of place. They must have been good I was only 3 years old at the time.
They really started me learning musical instruments, like mandolins, ukulele, accordions anything no one else would really want to play. I couldn't talk my parnets into buying me a Nickelodeon though.
Its sad to hear of the recent departure, but I'm sure that the band will continue to Sail on (Sorry for the pun).
Any news when the Box Set is coming out?
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Champagne, Girls, Nickelodeon Sound, Let's Go To Town . Well all the songs are great.

Saturday, July 30th 2005 - 09:55:03 PM

Name: James
Homepage URL:
Message: Hi everyone
I echo Malcolm Knowles comments below. 'Artistic Differences' are common in the music scene.
Well done Phil Grant and Pete for giving Rob his original break with the band - you would have to join a band like 'U2' to play to 30,000 people normally! What a lucky chap.
And all the best with 'Fast Food' Rob.
Katrin - take the black arm band off and keep the show on the road for us regulars - we miss the site.
Kind regards to you all.

Sunday, July 31st 2005 - 01:51:36 PM

Name: Michael / Bremen
E-mail address:
Message: Dear friends, I'm very sorry, Rob has left the ship! He is a strange man with very succesfull ideas to lead the sailor ship (see DVD, no one else would have produced a DVD for Sailor), Rob is a very good promotor and an excellent musician.
So, after Rob's leaving, I hope, Henry will come back...
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Panama, Harbour, Sailor, Nickelodeon Nights, Jacaranda

Monday, August 1st 2005 - 10:22:51 PM

Name: Helge
E-mail address:
Message: I was very surprised to read the sad news about Rob leaving the band. However I was more surprised when I read Rob's announcement. If you read it literally, you will understand that he was disappointed and sad because of the way he was treated. If what he wrote are his true feelings it's a shame, because he has definitely brought new energy and vitality to the band. But a story always has at least two sides, so maybe there are things about their internal relationships that we don't know about...
So Rob, good luck in the future with whatever you want to do.
And for the rest of the band, please continue performing your great music, and release "Buried Treasures" soon.
Is there a chance that Henry will return? Henry, what do you say, please?
Best regards from Sailor fan no. 1 in Norway.
Helge Christensen.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): One drink too many, Street lamp

Wednesday, August 3rd 2005 - 11:57:42 AM

Name: Mel
Message: Why is Rob's goodbye message gone? People might have a wrong impression by it, as I'm sure he was NOT unhappy all the time. It seems like he was very passionate and had fun when I see the DVD and all the photos & stories here. Also on the tour in Holland this one night I saw.
I'm sorry to see the happy Sailor days are over for him! I have hope for see another tour in Holland or a concert near the border.
Let the sea be peaceful again, whatever happened.
Rob: I say the same as it is on the News page: We WILL never forget you! Good luck for all the things you do. We can maybe hear more from you here too?! ;-)
Also glad this page is back!!!
Best greetings from a long-time fan.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): All

Wednesday, August 3rd 2005 - 08:49:10 PM

Name: Jim
E-mail address:
Message: Well blow me down. Can't believe Rob has jumped ship! Relieved though to hear that the band goes on. Look forward to seeing Rob's replacement. It's the turning of another page, and I'm sure the band will be as good as ever. By the way, when are we going to see details of the band's promised autumn headlining concert in the UK? Can't wait much longer!
Keep on boys, we're with you all the way!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): People in Love, Panama, La Cumbia

Wednesday, August 3rd 2005 - 09:20:15 PM

Name: Thorsten
E-mail address:
Message: The end of a era... A very good era :-( :-( :-(
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Glass Of Champagne / Jacaranda / Stiletto Heels ...

Thursday, August 4th 2005 - 04:45:01 PM

Name: Bob
Message: Hallo meine Lieblingsarbeitskollegin im Empfang *grins*....Du hast hier eine sehr sehr sehr sehr schöne Seite! Du bist halt doch die BESTE! Mach weiter so
Ein fröhliches Ahoi schickt Dir der BOB

Friday, August 5th 2005 - 03:49:13 PM

Name: -
Message: Hey Katrin, who sunk Rob's goodbye message? Rob SHOULD be able to have his say - there ARE two sides to every coin. Maybe the captain is sinking the ship :-(( James & Malcom's comments are not really fair on Rob after everything he's done on board Sailor.

Friday, August 5th 2005 - 03:55:43 PM

Name: ~Katrin (Webmaster)
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Message: The goodbye message? Maybe it sunk in the deep blue sea... (it wasn't me! - for all who get this notorious PL joke!). I wish one of any kind had stayed.
There are two sides of every coin. Or are there even more? It always depends on in whose position you try to put yourself...
All I can/want to say is mirrored in my message on the NEWS page. It is for a good, special, very talented and passinate friend who has been doing more than fans like us could ever have expected - clearly pictured in things like the 2002 DVD, the "Tring Thing", the unreleased "Harbour Bar Bell" and many other ideas/improvements (and getting rid of cover versions + getting "real" Sailor songs back etc.) which led to an extraordinary amount of fun and enthusiasm for the most extraordinary band in the world and their fans for 1534 (if I've counted correctly).
Therefore my message (see NEWS) reads:

"You were the wind in our sails and brought new life to the old Nickelodeon sound...
The shipmates and crew who were fortunate enough to see you at the various visits in the harbours loved you and will never forget you.
We'll miss you Rob!
All the best and LOVE ~Katrin X"

We can't help but wait for the official announcement of Rob's successor now. (I refuse to use the word "replacement" - as in all the previous cases in which Sailors left the ship - for somebody who can't be replaced).
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): The Secretary, The Harbour Bar Bell, Knock Knock, A Glass Of Champagne, Nickelodeon Nights.................

Sunday, August 7th 2005 - 09:57:55 AM

Name: Karen
Message: Farewell Rob! Thankyou for the music. Watched DVD again the other day. We never thought you guys could do something like this again. 70s are back!
What's happening now? No news yet? It is such a shame we can't get Henry back again. Or could we??? Wow, what a thought :-)
All the best to all Sailors and the web-crew! - Karen
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Toooooo many to mention :-)

Tuesday, August 9th 2005 - 06:07:52 PM

Name: Anon
Message: Wow! What a thought indeed!

Tuesday, August 9th 2005 - 08:14:53 PM

Name: Graham "Naylorman" Naylor
Message: Hi Katrin
It was good to see you at the World Premiere of Rob's musical 'Fast Food', and of course Christel and Linda. The other surprise was to see Peter (with the guys from Marvellous Festivals) as well! A bit of a reunion, eh? Glad you liked the exploding burger machine.....lights, smoke and pyrotechnics.....just like the Nickelodeon. In fact, when Rob phoned me to get involved his comment was 'If the Nick couldn't be brought back from Germany to play the part, it was best to get the designer on board for Fast Food!' It was great to be working on the project that started as a result of Rob reading about the food industry when we were on the road in the bus with Sailor. It was a pity that the excitement of getting the wonderful music of Fast Food onto the stage for the first time had the cloud of Rob being forced, as he put it, to 'walk the plank' hanging over it. His enthusiasm, commitment and talented contribution to everything Sailor in the last few years will be missed, but I'm also sure that Rob deserves for 'Fast Food' to go on to be a great hit musical.
Please say a big 'Hello' to all the Sailor (and other Oldie) fans who know me. It's a pity I don't get to see you all as a result of me also being forced to 'walk the plank' from Sailor. Hopefully we'll all get a chance for a bigger reunion sometime soon!

Thursday, August 11th 2005 - 11:43:29 PM

Name: Susanne from Stuttgart
E-mail address:
Message: Dear Rob,
I think now it is my turn to say good-bye to you.
I am sorry that you had to walk the planks. But I think it is better to leave the ship before it sinks. And I am sure you will find an island like Rob-inson did.
There you will be able to develop and live your own talents without any interference of other also well talented artists.
I haven`t seen "Fast Food" (yet), but what I have heard about it, tells me that you will find your way from the saving island back to the civilisation.
There are people out there who love what you are doing and the way you are.
In a little while I am sure you will see that it was the best thing which could happen to you (I know this from own experience).
Isn`t there a saying: "When it is time to go you should go?"
Please, keep in touch with us and let us know what you are doing.

To the rest of the SAILORs:
To be honest the last two concerts of you that I attended I did not enjoy as much as I did the concerts before. Something was missing: Enthusiasm.
Will it come back after one man (two - including Graham)left the boat? (Don`t get me wrong I don`t blame anybody for anything. This is not my duty!)
Is the boat now light enough and easier to handle so that you are able to make the sails to find your way to the next saving habour? Hopefully in the habour where your fans are waiting for you!
We love your music. We love your concerts which give us a lot of fun. But we are only able to feel it when you give us the feeling that you also love what you do.
Otherwise I could also listen to a CD which guarantees a certain standard. That would save a lot of money and time. Just think how many people travel far just to see a live concert with you!
Remember "Tring"? Many people came from very far. Me too. We came to have a party with you. But there was none. Some of the people even had to fly (!) home without seeing the show the next morning.
You don`t need electricity to have a party. And you guys do not need electricity to play unplugged... (at least a few songs would have been great to keep up the good mood which the audience still had...) but want you need is ENTHUSIASM!!!

I hope to meet you in one of the habours again and see whether you found your way...
All the best to everybody

Saturday, August 13th 2005 - 01:34:47 AM

Name: Jack "Alfie" Cotterill
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Message: dear rob! you are a legend! i will miss u from the band! u brought magic 2 my ears! btw well done 4 fast food!!!!!! i enjoyed working with you yet again! just looking over the different sailor sites, proves 2 me an must prove 2 u how much u r loved! ok m8 i got 2 go make some loud noises with sailor off my cd player! lol cya nxt week m8 and take it easy! oh and katrin, this is an excellent site and i use it all the time wen sum1 asks me, who are sailor! i give them this website! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx goodbye shipmates, may we all continue sailing in a different boat, we steer west for hot tropical climates and let phil sail in2 stormy waters! xxxxxx

Saturday, August 13th 2005 - 03:54:24 PM

Name: James
Message: Interesting message Jack but appalling sentiment in the final line.

Wishing all members of Sailor well (past and present) and looking forward to the announcement.


Saturday, August 13th 2005 - 11:31:02 PM

Name: S.
Message: Wir werden Dich vermissen Rob! Alles Gute! Hoffentlich lässt Du uns ab und an wissen was Du so tust. Liebe Grüße. S. aus G.
PS An alle anderen: Was wird nun?
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): alle!

Thursday, August 18th 2005 - 08:51:41 AM

Name: ~Katrin (Webmaster)
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Message: He left the ship nearly 6 years ago and continued his voyage alone, to exciting new harbours and all the way to the other side of the ocean - but now he has returned to the SAILOR ship.
Please welcome him back aboard: the one and only... Henry Marsh!!!
Er verließ das Schiff vor beinahe 6 Jahren und setzte seine Reise alleine fort, zu aufregenden neuen Häfen und den weiten Weg bis zur anderen Seite des Ozeans - aber nun ist er wieder zum SAILOR Schiff zurückgekehrt.
Bitte heißt ihn wieder willkommen an Bord: den einzigartigen... Henry Marsh!!!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): The Secretary, The Harbour Bar Bell, Knock Knock, A Glass Of Champagne, Nickelodeon Nights.................

Monday, August 22nd 2005 - 07:42:18 PM

Name: Michael / Bremen
E-mail address:
Message: Hallo Henry,
welcome back on board!
We all love you!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Sailor, Harbour

Monday, August 22nd 2005 - 08:17:58 PM

Name: James

Monday, August 22nd 2005 - 09:13:36 PM

Name: Linda
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Message: Well, my sea-sickness has gone now that the ship is steady again with a full complement of crew! It didn't feel safe back in the 70s when Phil jumped ship for a while and left only 3 hands on deck* and it hasn't felt safe these past few weeks, but to have such an experienced old sea-dog as Henry back is a joy and a pleasure. Welcome (back) aboard, Henry! I'm saluting as I type this message. Looking forward to seeing you on stage again - counting down the days until December in London ....
Linda xx
*For the pedants who will say, '6 hands, surely?' a deckhand is a person, not an actual hand ....
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): All of 'em!

Monday, August 22nd 2005 - 09:34:01 PM

Name: heiner
E-mail address:
Message: welcome back henry!!! I hope, now the future for all sailors will be bright for a long time.
I will be very glad, if I could see you soon on stage again!
many greetings to all
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): too many to tell

Monday, August 22nd 2005 - 11:01:21 PM

Name: Malcolm
E-mail address:
Message: Absolutely delighted to have you back Henry. Can't wait to hear you pounding out that old nickelodeon sound once again. Hope you enjoy every moment - I know that we're all going to!!!

Monday, August 22nd 2005 - 11:40:16 PM

Name: Ken
E-mail address:
Message: Henry,it`s wonderful that you`re back with Sailor.You`ve been much missed.Looking forward to seeing you all perform in the U.K.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Give me La Samba,Blame it on the soft spot

Tuesday, August 23rd 2005 - 01:33:41 AM

Name: Rolf
E-mail address:
Message: Hi there,
yesterday was my birthday - and the best gift I ever get is the return of Henry to the band !!!
Thank you Rob - and welcome back Henry
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Sailor, Stay with me now, Down by the docks

Tuesday, August 23rd 2005 - 06:56:55 AM

Name: Helge
E-mail address:
Message: Great news that Henry is back! I was sorry to see Rob go, but the replacement couldn't have been better. Now, please focus on getting the "Buried Treasure" collection released, and more important: Write new Sailor songs. Please?

Helge from Norway.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): One drink too many, Street lamp, Latin eyes

Tuesday, August 23rd 2005 - 08:06:36 AM

Name: Eddy Crouch
E-mail address:
Message: There could not have been any more interesting news than HENRY HAS RETURNED. Rob done a fantastic job but being a true fan, the nicolodeon has returned to its former glory.
Hang on in there HENRY. Fantastic news, can't wait untill December.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Girls, Girls, Girls, Glass of Champaigne, Blame it on the soft spot,

Tuesday, August 23rd 2005 - 04:37:22 PM

Name: Rob
Message: Time to hand the Nickelodeon back. First and foremost, I'm a Sailor fan, so I can only say 'great news'...
It's been fun keeping the seat warm! Theatre calls me once again. Thanks to everyone who has sent me kind wishes. The biggest compliment of all was being mistaken for Henry sometimes.
Good luck all...
Rob. x
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Nickelodeon Nights, Panama, Memory Lane

Tuesday, August 23rd 2005 - 10:15:37 PM

Name: James
Homepage URL:
Message: You're a big man Rob!
Looking forward to seeing your name in lights at the West End.
The future can only be bright with that level of talent.
Your place in Sailor history is assured (and of course, the book as well).
All the best.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Jacaranda.

Tuesday, August 23rd 2005 - 10:37:58 PM

Name: The Keys King
Message: Well its good to see Henry back, all we need is Georg now to make it a true 30th "A Glass of Champagne" Anniversay. Peter Lincoln is great but lets make it a real anniversary and something for us all to remember.
If there is a full reunion lets video it and get it out on DVD something for us all to cherish.
Here are a few things I would like to see, if possible?

1) A full renunion, with a real Nickelodeon, not a synth machine version and a stage show worthy of Sailor. A DVD and CD of the show.

2) Some new material, in this day and age of popular rubbish its time we had some real music. I'm sure the lads have a few tunes nearly ready.

3) The release of the box set, "Buried Treasure."

4) An offical DVD release of all their pop promo videos, some tv concerts and general hard to find stuff.

5) The release of their albums on CD and perhaps a few bonus tracks that may be lying round.

Anyway its good to see Henry back. And good luck to the band.

That's all for now.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): All of them.

Wednesday, August 24th 2005 - 09:11:57 PM

Name: Jim
E-mail address:
Message: Terrific news. Welcome back Henry. Very best wishes to Rob.Special mention to Peter who has kept going through these unsettling changes.
Can't wait for December 4th. I agree with the previous correspondent, how about some new music to go with our favourites? The Balham gig is the ideal opportunity to showcase it! One special request - no more Full Monty!
Best wishes to all my fellow Sailor fans.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): People in Love, Panama, La Cumbia

Wednesday, August 24th 2005 - 09:40:14 PM

Name: Pingo
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Message: Cheerioo and toodlepip!!!
Welcome back Henry!
It´s great to have you back on board again.
May this great musical ship never sink...
Best luck to you all!!!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): My Kind Of Girl, The Old Nickelodeon Sound & Sailors Night On The Town.

Friday, August 26th 2005 - 07:05:18 AM

Name: Cap K
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Message: Ahoy ~
O.K. guys, the man who did it all last times is overboard: Rob ~ Don't know why the best keyboarder, accordionist... has to "end" like this, but what can I say... ALL THE VERY BEST TO ROB (who brings us an originally sounding Sailor-Song since 1992: "The Harbour Bar Bell" (WE LOVE YA!)
WELCOME BACK HENRY !!! > do something with the other guys after 1992..., > means a new record... then we can promote something.....(like we always do with this site and everything...)
I'm proud to say that every Sailor-Fan can buy the ultimative Sailor-Best-of-CD now "Down by the docks", which I compiled with Wolfi from BMG, and special thanx to the guys from the ZOUNDS-LABEL aswell, you make one of my dreams come true!!
Greetz from the headquarter: Cap K ~
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Street Lamp

Sunday, August 28th 2005 - 10:53:46 PM

Name: Sandra
Message: This is so GREAT! Wellcome back on he ship Henry! We love to see you again on the stage. We never think this could be...
Why have Sailor shows always to be so far away???
Very best wishes to Rob too. I have only see you on the DVD and video, but must say what the others say here too: we will not forget you and all you did. I hope I soon hear your Sailor song. Everyone say how good it is. Much success and luck to you!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): All, esp. the Trouble songs!

Tuesday, August 30th 2005 - 08:39:20 AM

Name: The Keys King
Message: As it is the 30th Anniversary of "A Glass Of Champagne" why not perfrom all the "Trouble" album live. A lot of bands do this now, when it is the anniversary of a hit album they tour performing all of the album.
And as this album had "Champagne" and "Girls", two of the finest pop tracks ever written, on it surley it is worth the fans hearing it all live.
This could be done with all Sailor albums, have the origianl 10 tracks on the cd, plus the 10 live versions as well, I think most of there albums would fit onto 1cd doing this.
Just a thought anyway.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): All of them but, "Champagne", "Street Lamp", "Secretary" really stand out to me.

Wednesday, August 31st 2005 - 09:08:20 PM

Name: Astrid
Message: Oké, since more people are dropping their ideas in this guesbook... I have one too: Why not broadcast the December show on the internet, for the people who can't go there ?? That would be awesome!

Thursday, September 1st 2005 - 03:15:33 PM

Name: Steve Elson
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Message: I don't know much about the group Sailor themselves, but as a collector of varied types of music, I think their's is amongst the best. The nickelodion sound was quite unusual and brilliantly played.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Let's Go To Town, Open Up The Door & Glass Of Champagne

Monday, September 5th 2005 - 01:08:35 AM

Name: Thomas Ruths
E-mail address:
Message: bin bald 42 Jahre alt und fast genau schon so lange großer Fan von der Sailor Musik.
Habe leider schon mit 8 Jahren meinen Vater verloren und hatte seit dem nur Poster von George Kajanus in meinem Zimmer aufgehängt. ER hattefür mich immer die Vorbildfunktion nicht nur wegen der Musik, sondern auch wegen der Ausstrahlung und des allgemeinen Auftretens.
Ich hoffe doch, dass ich Euch bald wieder im Radio höre.
Alles Gute Jungs, Euer Superfan Thomas Ruths
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): All i need is a girl

Tuesday, September 6th 2005 - 03:37:42 PM

Name: ~Katrin (Webmaster)
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Message: Happy birthday Cap K,
happy birthday Cap K,
happy birthday dear Karsten,
happy birthday Cap K!!!!!!!!!!!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): The Secretary, The Harbour Bar Bell, Knock Knock, A Glass Of Champagne, Nickelodeon Nights.................

Monday, September 12th 2005 - 06:51:26 AM

Name: Phil Pickett
E-mail address:
Message: Hi everyone, Phil here!

Reading some of your letters & comments, am so glad the news of Henry's welcome return has provided everyone with such joy & relief after what I am sure must have been an unsettling period. (There's a really great pic of our recent reunion on Marinero and Henry's website and will no doubt clearly see from the look on everyone's face how we all feel about it!)

Please rest assured that although the ship appears to 'list' from time to time it is in very good hands and has some pretty tenacious souls on board! (- that's absolutely the last tedious nautical metaphor, promise!) No, we're just not going to let that 'Old Nickelodeon' stop playing - at least, not whilst it's such fun to play on stage and brings so much entertainment and joy to everyone.

Now then - as am totally responsible, feel I must at least offer a few words on the "Buried Treasure" scenario, which many of you could be forgiven in feeling that the map marking the "X" spot might have been lost forever!

This has been my own project within the band and frustrating delays have occurred, mainly due to, (a) the escalating costs of what will be a fantastically comprehensive & delightful package (to date crippling and borne by yours truly) (b) locating some extra & truly wonderful recordings at the last minute and 'clearing' them for inclusion (this can take months and don't recommend it if you want to keep your hair on - lost most of mine!) (c) As a result of Henry's welcome return, felt it appropriate to reflect this in the packaging art work and 'Sailor Story' which has now added a few further delays.

BUT - it is almost 'ready to go' now -38 tracks of pure Sailor Magic, unreleased gems, classic 'Golden' hits as well as brand new recordings and am hoping everything will be ready in time for our own shows at The Bedford in London in December.

Thanks again for all your understanding and support and can't wait to see everyone in December

Love and best wishes

Phil Pickett
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): nickelodeon nights

Wednesday, September 14th 2005 - 08:36:28 AM

Name: Marc-BC Sweet
E-mail address:
Message: Hello Everyone,
I was a small fan of Sailor in the 70s. When I found out that my band BC Sweet were on the same bill as us in Graz this past weekend I was extremely happy. I looked forward to seeing the guys perform enormously. Due to transport cock ups I sadly missed their set, but one of my colleagues assured me that the guys were incredible and one of the best acts he had seen on the circuit. Praise indeed.
One of my neighbours asked me to get an autograph from the boys as their album had been a personal family favourite when she was a kid. Now this is something I hardly ever do. I feel awkward and embarrassed asking. I mentioned it to Peter when we arrived at the venue and he was great. I saw the guys when they had just come off stage and they all signed a flyer for Jane, who was totally over the moon.
I hadn't realised that this was Henry's first gig back and I hadn't met the guys before. I just wanted to say that you were all total Gentlemen and it was a joy to meet you. I very much look forward to seeing you all again and actually catching your impressive show in Bregenz later this year.
Thank you all so much for being great and I hope that Henry's (Re)arrival spurs you on to keep the ship afloat and rocking for many years to come.
Best Regards - Marc BC Sweet
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Glass Of Champagne

Wednesday, September 14th 2005 - 05:16:35 PM

Name: The Lincolnettes
E-mail address:
Message: Hi Phil,
We hope you are well and also hope that we get to play on the same bill as you sometime... x x
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Kaaaarma Chameleon

Thursday, September 15th 2005 - 01:03:05 PM

Name: Anon
Message: GO on henery play the girls girls girls piano sol.

Friday, September 16th 2005 - 07:36:59 PM

Name: The Keys King
Message: With reference to PP posting, will the buried treasure by available through general release in shops like HMV, Virgin and others in the UK?
Or will it be available on Amazon?
Or will it be through the sailor club and is it limited edition release, you now only so many printed and when its gone, it gone.
I know this is a guestbook, but I though it was worth mentioning.
Anyway its good to sea (Sorry for the pun) its going to be released, I wonder what the special package will be, a ship, a sailor, a nickelodeon shape perhaps.
I can't wait for its release.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): All really, though at the moment "Street Lamp."

Sunday, September 18th 2005 - 06:00:23 PM

Name: Linda
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Message: Remember back in the 70s you could get T-shirts that said, 'My mate went to Spain and all I got was a lousy t-shirt' ? Well, the slogan for my new T-shirt is, 'James went to Graz and all we got was one lousy photo'.
Come on James, surely you can do better than that!!!
Linda ;-)
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Today it's Knock Knock

Wednesday, September 21st 2005 - 04:33:16 PM

Name: James
Message: Hi Linda
You're absolutely right.
I shall try and come up with some more for you.

Friday, September 23rd 2005 - 11:07:36 AM

Name: Mary
E-mail address:
Message: Henry ist zurück. Superklasse!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Nickelodeon nights

Friday, September 23rd 2005 - 06:49:27 PM

Name: Steve Atkins
E-mail address:
Message: I had the pleasure of saying Hi via the cyberwaves to the famous Katrin in the chatsite for the first time this morning and bumped into the charming and clever/fun Linda from Southhampton too. It was great. People who share a love of good music make for excellent company (although it is a bit awkward getting up at 1am to say Hi on a Monday morning !!!....)
Anyway I am so jealous at you people who can see the band play with such relatively little inconvenience and cost...
Sydney seems so isolated some times ....
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): All I Need Is Girl , but any when the Nickelodeon features heavily.....

Monday, October 3rd 2005 - 05:30:46 AM

Name: Gower
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Message: Hay guys, thanks for the great stuff on Noah, we really love your support.

Our pleasure! Absolutely marvellous! ~Katrin (your webmaster) ;-)

Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Harbour Bar Bell

Thursday, October 6th 2005 - 12:49:09 PM

Name: Andreas Boose (the old-fashioned dreamer)
Message: Ahoi Rob!!!
Mein Name ist Andreas Boose (the old-fashioned dreamer) und ich komme aus "good old Germany".
Ich hatte bisher leider nicht wirklich die Gelegenheit, Dir einmal zu sagen, wie sehr ich Dich als Musiker schätzen gelernt habe. Schon allein Dein unerschütterlicher Einsatz für SAILOR sowie Dein schier unendlicher Ideenreichtum was dieses wohl außergewöhnlichste und anspruchsvollste Thema der Musikgeschichte der letzten 50 Jahre neben Elvis und den Beatles angeht, macht Dich einmalig und "unersätzlich"!!!
Es ist schade, dass Du nicht mehr "an Bord" bist!
Du brachtest wieder frischen Wind, ja gar Sturm für das Schiff SAILOR!!!
Unvergessen auch die Wiedergeburt des "alten SAILOR-Sounds", den Du hingebungsvoll neu geformt hast!
Gäbe es nicht schon "The old Nickelodeon Sound", wäre "The Harbour Bar Bell" mein Lieblings-Walzer von SAILOR!!!
Am unvergesslichsten jedoch war, als ich Dich zum ersten Mal "Josephine Baker" habe singen hören, auf einer Aufnahme, welche mir Katrin Wagner, vielen Fans auch bekannt als Marinero, zugesandt hat.
Du warst lange Zeit die "treibende Kraft", das Salz in der Suppe, der Impulsgeber. Und ich bin mir sicher, auch alle treuen Fans werden Dich sehr vermissen.
Eines noch zum Abschluss: "Alt-Meister" Georg Kajanus hätte seine pure Freude an Deinem Prefektionismus gehabt!!!
Einen letzten seemännischen Gruß:
Andreas Boose (the old-fashioned dreamer)
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Stiletto Heels , Girls of Amsterdam, Sailor`s night on the town, The Street, Two ladies on the corner, Melancholy, Memory Lane, When my ship comes in...

Saturday, October 8th 2005 - 03:31:55 PM

Name: jean henry nl
E-mail address:
Message: I ve been i fan of sailor since 1975 wonder if there are some fans in my neigbourhood Leiden the netherlands
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): glass of champagne

Monday, October 17th 2005 - 08:08:41 PM

Name: Thorsten & Thomas
Message: Hey, das war ja eine klasse Show am Samstag in Regensburg. Suuuuuuuper Sailor! Schön, dass Henry wieder dabei ist. Und auch die anderen 3 waren genial. Wow, wir sind immer noch ganz begeistert von der Atmosphäre!

Tuesday, October 25th 2005 - 06:25:26 PM

Name: Grignion
E-mail address:
Message: Hi Sailor fans,
November 2004 I finally saw Sailor live in concert, great show!
Rob indeed was a very good keyboardplayer but the news that Henry would rejoin the band made me so happy that I can't wait to see them live with three original members!!!
Tomorrow is the big day, they will perform in Bergen op Zoom, Holland and although the rest of the line up (4 other acts) is not very promising, the fact that Sailor is going to perform (hopefully a long set!) makes it special...
Hope to meet some Sailor fans (Katrin and Karsten) and/or bandmembers to sign my old singles...
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Girls girls girls, Traffic jam, Glass of champagne, Panama, The Secretary

Friday, October 28th 2005 - 09:09:48 PM

Name: David Mutch
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Message: I Play Robert Leon in the world Premiere of "Sailor - The Musical Journey"
Working with such a wonderful cast and the fanstastic music from Georg is amazing.
Any fan of Sailor is in for a treat!!

Saturday, October 29th 2005 - 12:31:53 AM

Name: ~Katrin
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Message: Happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday dear Rob,
happy birthday to you!!!!!!!!!!!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): The Secretary, The Harbour Bar Bell, Knock Knock, A Glass Of Champagne, Nickelodeon Nights.................

Monday, November 7th 2005 - 08:24:05 AM

Name: ~Katrin
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Message: And the next one.........
Happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday dear Phil,
happy birthday to you!!!!!!!!!!!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): The Secretary, The Harbour Bar Bell, Knock Knock, A Glass Of Champagne, Nickelodeon Nights.................

Saturday, November 19th 2005 - 08:59:00 AM

Name: Steve
Message: Any chance that the concert on Sun at the 'Bedford' will be broadcast live on the www? I believe they do this sometimes via their website? That would be so grrrrrrrrreat!?!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Champagne, GGG, Cool Breeze...

Wednesday, November 30th 2005 - 09:36:22 PM

Name: Thorsten
E-mail address:
Message: Und hier auch nochmal...
Dear Katrin (aka Marinero aka our webmaster ),
wishes you Thorsten.
Keep on doing the great work for Sailor and fans!
Ich hoffe Du hast einen schönen Tag und viel Spaß bei dem Konzert in London!!!
Alles Gute

Thanks so much! ;-) ~Katrin (you webmaster)

Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Glass Of Champagne / Jacaranda / Stiletto Heels ...

Saturday, December 3rd 2005 - 09:59:34 AM

Name: Bill Blenman
E-mail address:
Message: Hello All Sailor Fans.

It was a great pleasure for me and David Mutch to come to London on Sunday the 4th December for a very special concert headlined by SaILOR. First i musst compliment the talents of the supporting acts, firstly Tony Moor, as it was his venue he made sure that there was a very warm and friendly atmosphere. Also he is still a very talented musician and singer. Earl orkin was indeed a genius of humour and musical talent.

But of course the main event we were all there for to see the performance of SAILOR. Indeed they are a great live band.They are four of the very best talented musicians in the business, and i can see how much they individually put in to the style of their performance. After speaking to the guys afterwards, i can understand how their songs are such musical theatre style, so it is fitting that the forthcomming musical "SAILOR THE MUSICAL JOURNEY" is being staged. so to all you SAILOR fans take a trip to Scotland and come and see the music od SAILOR transformed to the stage. we at Dream Maker Productions look forward to seeing you, and offer you a very warm and friendly welcome.

Best wishes to you all

Bill Blenman
Dream Maker Productions
Author and Producer
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Sailor Dwn by the Docks Checkpoint Charlie.

Friday, December 9th 2005 - 04:20:34 PM

Name: David Mutch
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Message: I would like to echo Bill's comments on the show. I was brought up as a kid with "Glass of Champagne" and "Girls, Girls,Girls" - little did I know I would star in musical version of the music of my childhood!

I cannot describe how good the show was. I have see a great number of shows in my time - this was, without doubt, the best live show I have ever seen.

The highlight for me was Pete's version of James Taylor's "Frozen Man" - boy is that man talented!

Apart from that. meeting Henry,Phil, Grant and Pete made me realise that real stars can be so damned humble - despite a talent that holds no bounds (note to diary, self!)

I have joined the ranks of what I now, affectionately call "Sailettes".

Thanks to Karsten, Katrin, Linda, Malcolm and Eileen for their fantastic hospitality. Thanks also to Tony - boy you keep your light under a bushel (Cutting Crew, anyone!!!! - I knew your name and face were familiar!!!)

Thankyou Sailor - you have reconfirmed my faith in music and given me a carried spirit to perform your music from a fresh angle.

Guys - the Eastport Bar in Dunfermline awaits you before and after thw show at Carnegie Hall (and they are all on me!!!!!)

David xx

Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Checkpoint Charlie, Stiletto Heels (Panama grows on me daily!)

Sunday, December 11th 2005 - 11:16:32 PM

Name: Tony Auth
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Message: I actually live in Vancouver, Canada, and planned to be with my girlfriend in England for Christmas, but when I got this e-mail about the Dec 4 concert I booked a flight to London right the next day and canceled all my business meetings in December.

I had been waiting for a Sailor concert for over 30 years. First when I lived in Munich, Germany I missed one after another, then in England last spring, when Grant wrote me by e-mail they'd be playing in Oxford. I had a flight booked back to Vancouver just 1 day before he told me and was terribly frustrated, so it had to be this time, especially with Henry being back and at a great venue like the Bedford in London.

Thanks, Sailor, it was a phantastic experience!!! I've been to many concerts in my life, and Sailor was among the best I've ever seen along with the Eagles and Supertramp!

It felt like meeting my lost brothers (I'm sure they didn't feel like that when they saw me) when for the first time I saw these great musicians and personalities live and just a few feet away in front of me after all those years of just knowing them from pictures and albums. I mean, their pictures were decorating my walls when I was 10, and Trouble was my first record I owned!

The venue and the fact that they were so nice and approachable after the concert gave it all a very warm and personal touch on top of the great music.

A wonderful night out, and I would book a flight from Vancouver to see them again any time.

Thanks to Sailor, all their fans and the Bedford!

Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Copacabana, Panama, One Drink Too Many, Sailor, Let's Go To Town...

Tuesday, December 13th 2005 - 03:19:40 PM

Name: Astrid
Message: Merry christmas everyone!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Sailor

Saturday, December 24th 2005 - 04:23:27 PM

Name: Radio Runde Hamm
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Message: Die Bürgerfunkler der Radio Runde Hamm senden Euch auf diesem Wege die herzlichsten Weihnachtsgrüße und wünschen Euch alles Gute für 2006 !

Wir freuen uns immer, wenn wir Eure Musik in unseren Oldie-Sendungen spielen können.

Schaut doch mal auf vorbei, hinterlasst Eure Spuren im Gästebuch oder nehmt per Klick an unserem großen Oldie-Voting ("Radio-Party") statt, würde uns sehr freuen...

All The Best

Ralf Grote
Radio Runde Hamm e.V.
Anerkannte Radiowerkstatt in NRW
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): A Glass Of Champagne

Sunday, December 25th 2005 - 11:28:56 PM

Name: James
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Message: Happy New Year to you all!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Jacaranda; Glass of Champagne; Open Up the Door

Friday, December 30th 2005 - 01:08:20 PM

Name: ~Katrin (Webmaster)
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Message: HAPPY NEWS YEAR everybody out there... All the best for 2006!!!
FROHES NEUES JAHR Euch allen da draußen... Alles Gute für 2006!!!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): The Secretary, The Harbour Bar Bell, Knock Knock, A Glass Of Champagne, Nickelodeon Nights.................

Sunday, January 1st 2006 - 10:35:49 AM

Name: MEL
E-mail address:
I loved sailor in the 1970's seeing them on Top Of The Pops 2 on British t v today , reminded me of when I first saw them. oh! nastalga .
George is an absoulute hunk !!
please pass that on to him for me.

Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Girls Girls Girls

Saturday, January 21st 2006 - 01:33:01 AM

Name: Stein-R.Olsen
E-mail address:
Message: I love Sailor sins i first hear them in 1976
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): the old nickelodeon sound

Sunday, January 22nd 2006 - 10:05:56 PM

Name: Gerd
Message: Ahoi und vielen Dank für die Info zur TV Show. War ja nicht übel bei den Hit Giganten. Nur ein bisschen viel Getanze und Einblendungen rumherum, da konnte man ja die Band selbst kaum genießen. Naja, schön war's trotzdem. Jetzt hab ich Henry endlich mal wieder in bewegten Bildern gesehen! *freu*
Auf bald - Gerd
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Champagne

Tuesday, January 24th 2006 - 10:40:36 PM

Name: Vera
E-mail address:
Message: Hi Sailor Fans,
Is anybody interested in older Sailor stuff and some rare records like Kajanus/Pickett, Gringo and so on? I've been a fan since the beginning and I've got a lot of things double which I can't keep and have to sell for some reasons. If so, please give a ref.
Your website is absolutely great Katrin! You are putting so much effort and love in it that even I've got the chance to fill my gaps in information about one of my favourite bands.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): everything on Sailor, Runaway, Quay Hotel

Tuesday, February 7th 2006 - 08:13:01 PM

Name: Paul Hewitson
E-mail address:
Message: I would just like to say that myself and my son James,saw you guy's on the hitz tour of last year and my son was blown away by you and meeting you guy's after was the ultimate for him.oh yeah,he's 8 yrs old but loves Sailor's music.He plays guitar too and loves rocking out to you guys and Sweet,Sparks and Rush.Hope tou see you naer Cardiff soon.p.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): glass,girls,traffic jam.

Thursday, February 9th 2006 - 05:38:14 PM

Name: maga
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Message: ...hi, thanks a lot for Your beautiful site, I..100%... share your opinion... Sailor is really Great Band!!!..and I got page about them on my site...
, but don't rush there it's on russian...

Friday, February 10th 2006 - 02:25:05 PM

Name: Captain Keys
Message: Does anyone know if there are any Sailor sheet music books available anywhere, I'm, sure there must be some out there, maybe from the 70's when most people played or where learning an instrument, any instrument at all will do, I play all of them apart from wind instruments.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): To many to mention but I do think the third album "Trouble" is the best work they have done.

Monday, March 6th 2006 - 02:37:54 PM

Name: William Ficek
E-mail address:
Message: AHOY!!!

I would like to know where I can purchase Sailor t-shirts or sweatshirts? Since I live in the U.S., it is hard for me to find ANYTHING on my favorite group. If anyone can help, I would sincerely appreciate it.


Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Glass Of Champagne

Friday, March 17th 2006 - 04:34:38 AM

Name: Mike

Wednesday, March 22nd 2006 - 06:11:45 PM

Name: René Koller
E-mail address:
Message: Als Fan der ersten Stunde kann ich nur Hoffen das es SAILOR noch lange geben wird.Ein Auftritt in der Schweiz
am Bodensee (3 Länder,Switzerland,German,Austria) wäre sicherlich Grenzüberschreitend ein Top-Ereignis der Superlative.Vielleicht wird ein Traum war und es gibt am Bodensee Sailor`s Night on the Town mit vielen Girls,Girls,Girls und einem Glass of Champagne ohne One Drink to Many.Von mir aus Trouble in Hong Kong,bei uns lieber People in Love bei einem Drink mit Coconut.Egal ob Stiletto Heels oder Out of Money es gäbe nur Open up the Door.Vielleicht findet ja A Girl of Amsterdam den Weg in The Street um Two Ladies in the Corner zu treffen.Wer Lust hat zählt die Songs zusammen und Mailt mir das Ergebnis.Mit Seemansgruss Kolli -Swiss
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Cool Breeze,Panama,Give me la Samba&Instrumentals

Thursday, March 23rd 2006 - 07:49:47 PM

Name: Z-man
Message: Jacaranda is quite possibly the most astonishing piece of music I've ever heard.
Kudos, dudes!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Jacaranda :)

Saturday, March 25th 2006 - 04:25:41 PM

Name: Clive Smith
E-mail address:
Message: In the early seventies when I lived in York (England) I went to a concert at York Technical College. I didnt know the group who were performing, but I had been told that they were okay. The group were Sailor, and they were fantastic, so totally different from anything else that was on the scene at the time. If I remember correctly, I bought a copy of their first album actually at the concert, I still have it somewhere. Sadly as time has passed by, Sailor faded in to the distance until today, when I stumbled on to this site. Many thanks Guys for the great music.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Josephine Baker, Blue Desert & Girls of Amsterdam.

Tuesday, April 11th 2006 - 12:02:50 PM

Name: Michael Younger
E-mail address: queen2
Message: Think that Glass off champage was the very first song.
That one head on radio was on tv playing live as well
that when like SAILOR way their play.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): A Glass of Champagne

Sunday, May 7th 2006 - 04:22:11 AM

Name: Michael younger
E-mail address: queen2
Homepage URL: http://Dreambook
Message: Been SAILOR Fan Forlong time seen them. When got time
must work in germany some time with brouther if got
work go see Sailor when on or watch them tv as well
but live in England dont still think best group l
heard for long time.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Danger on the Titanic

Sunday, May 7th 2006 - 04:43:55 AM

Name: Michael Younger
E-mail address: queen2
Homepage URL: http://sailor
Message: When fist herd sailor on radio in the 70 song was girl girl
girl. So whent down record shop and brought some Sailor record.Go every time when new sailor record come out every
time.Like hearing the nickelodeon been played herd that
their dont play England most Germany and Hollland over
place.That why dont hery what their doing or making new
song or sell thing tell got Computer. Look with friend see
what their are up too and go on Sailor webpage l got lot
thing that did not no and how get in tuch with them how get
Some off their cd or record as well hope can get more see them again did see when can Bedford that was great took some. Photo their and evern had my photo with sailor.
go every time hery that made new album every year. Getting
better all time playing nickelodeon sound great her their song any more. An
their wheir no Sailor record in shop
In Sailor >The Harbour Bar when look page find new thing in
it. But is their nother page that can tell more how get.
Sailor record or cd some wheir agound
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Glass off champanor

Sunday, May 28th 2006 - 12:43:58 AM

Name: Brigitte
E-mail address:
Message: Here a big SOS!
Have anybody get the musicnotes of "girls, girls, girls", exspecially the bass-line? It´s very important for me! Please write to my email-address. Thanks and a special thanks for top music for so many years!

Sunday, May 28th 2006 - 03:41:25 PM

Name: Cheryl
E-mail address:
Message: I am pleased to find your page. I have been a fan of Sailor since the 1970's and my favourite song is The Old Nickolodeon Song. I was really just trying to find out about the band but I was delighted to read some of the other emails and realise thant they are still performing in some capacity, ? original, ?changed band members.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): The Old Nickolodeon Song

Saturday, June 3rd 2006 - 10:34:28 AM

Name: Phil
E-mail address:
Message: First saw Sailor as support act at a Cockney Rebel gig about 25-30 years ago.
Mindblowing !!!!
Totally unique. First album is my all-time favourite album.
Georg is a musical genius.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Let`s go to town, Josephine Baker,Sailor - too many to mention !

Friday, June 30th 2006 - 02:44:20 PM

Name: Anders
E-mail address: anders [ at ]
Homepage URL:
Message: Where can I buy Noir records? "Strange Desire" is said to be available through Tim Dry's webbsite but he's not answering.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Everything with Kajanus project "Data" ;D

Wednesday, July 5th 2006 - 04:22:23 PM

Name: Barclay
E-mail address:
Message: Just got home from a get night out at Sailor A Musical Journey, at the Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline. What a great show! Songs and cast were fantastic. Well done to all involved.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): One drink too many

Saturday, July 8th 2006 - 12:15:26 AM

Name: Bengt-Olof
E-mail address:
Message: I started listned to sailor in the 70:s and i still do.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): The album Trouble

Saturday, July 22nd 2006 - 06:33:35 PM

Name: michael younger
E-mail address: queen 2
Message: last time saw at bedford theator was very good had very
good time. Been best everning had at show long time hope
when come down next time be more better new song as well.
Is possable get postor their or some good to buy.

Your favourite SAILOR song(s): sailor & live in berlin & traffic jam

Friday, August 4th 2006 - 04:00:54 AM

Name: michael younger
E-mail address: queen 2
Homepage URL: http:// where first stared
Message: who said why call the group name sailor. and have a nickelodeon as well. all so how get together which was very first gig bet nerves what was fist song played well.
And the counrty as well like too know been very keen how
Started out from past and now what been doing in divern.
Counry did wrort song before came name now Sailor best
going. get name sailor
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Traffic Jam

Sunday, August 13th 2006 - 11:37:14 PM

Name: Malcolm Knowles
E-mail address:
Message: WELCOME on board Ollie. Hope you enjoy the voyage. Looking forward to seeing you somewhere soon fronting this wonderful band. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 19th 2006 - 09:30:44 PM

Name: James McCarraher
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Message: Dear Ollie
What a perfect choice. I have heard you sing (Bath in the Roy Orbison Story) and you were just sensational - a chip off the old block!
So looking forward to seeing you with Sailor.
All the very best.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): At the moment? 'Champagne' in the S and M advert...

Tuesday, September 19th 2006 - 10:49:32 PM

Name: Bill Blenman
E-mail address:
Message: Welcome ollie, i remember you in blood brothers and also remember seeing a review of the Roy Orbison story. It is good to see a youthfull addition to the band, keep your old man in check. maybe if Sailor -The Musical Journey hits the bigger stage i can just see you as the young Robert.

Best of luck and i hope to see you perform in London if the gig is still on.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Its got to Glass of Champagne at the minute (Thanks M&S)

Tuesday, September 19th 2006 - 11:05:04 PM

Name: Anthony Harris
E-mail address:
Message: I've been a fan of Sailor's right from the start. I remember looking through the local record store in Worcester desperate to find some new and different music, then I saw Sailor's album staring at me, I knew I had to buy it and was in for a musical treat. The album did not dissapoint, it was terrific! the sound, the songs and the mood of the album took you straight to the place that the songs were about, a fantastic musical experience, rarely achieved I think by any other band. I was hooked, then very happy to see Sailor suddenly make it with Glass of Champagne. I've been a fan ever since and really glad they are still making music, here's to the next album, long my they sail.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Josephine Baker, Glass of Champagne, Traffic Jam

Saturday, September 30th 2006 - 09:21:51 PM

Name: Pat
E-mail address:
Message: Recently saw the Marks&Spencer advert and when I heard "Glass of Champagne" it brought back memories of the 70's and that unique Sailor sound.
Have purchased their greatest hits but had to wait as it was out of stock. which proves that they are still popular!
I'm glad they are still going strong and long may it continue.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): "Glass of "Champagne"

Tuesday, October 3rd 2006 - 12:11:00 AM

Name: Tommy Adolfsson
E-mail address:
Message: You are the best. you first appeared in my musical life in the mid 70`s. Many years have passed, but your music will always fill me with great satisfaction and luck. i`m sad to say that i hav`nt found any of your early records available on CD here in Sweden, but i am not givin`up that easy.
Lots of Love from Sweden
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Pick one

Saturday, October 28th 2006 - 12:32:06 AM

Name: Ludger
Message: Hallo Katrin,
tolle Seite die Du hier aufgebaut hast. Ich bin erst durch das Sweet GMB auf Deine Homepage aufmerksam geworden. Naja, zu Sailor hatte ich bisher nicht so den richtigen Draht. Es sieht so aus, dass sich das etwas ändert. Jedenfalls habe ich schon die erste CD, auf die Sailor ebenfalls vertreten sind, bestellt. Es handelt sich um eine Instrumental-CD. Die Titel von Sailor lauten Harbour und Jacaranda, die mir sehr gut gefallen.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Jacaranda

Sunday, November 5th 2006 - 08:22:32 PM

Name: XENA
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Message: Hallo Ihr Lieben !!!

So nun sitz ich hier und bin ganz gerührt - Sailor und deren treue Fans so praesent und aktuell im Internet zu finden.

Ich hatte in den 70ern sehr engen Kontakt zur Band - ich leitete den damaligen österreichischen Sailor-Fan-Club mit einigen hundert Mitgliedern :)
- daraus entstand damals eine herzliche Freundschaft mit meiner Familie und Sailor.

Verlaufen hat es sich dann mit Georgs Trennung von Sailor und dem Tod meiner Schwester.

Wahnsinn wie die Zeit vergeht...damals war ich noch Gymnasiastin...heute bin ich selbst Künstlerin, Schauspielerin und hab meine eigenen Projekte.

Ich freu mich sehr über die Site hier und vielleicht kommt ja der ein oder andere Austausch zu Stande --- irgendwo hab ich ja noch Kiloweise analoges Material (Fotos, Briefe, Artikel...sogar die tausenden Fanbriefe hab ich noch irgendwo gelagert !) über Sailor aus alten Zeiten.

Möge die Sonne über Eurem Pfad scheinen !

Daniela Zellich (heute XENA) aus Wien
die ehemalige Präsidentin
des österreichischen SAILOR FAN CLUBS
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): ALL!!! Hmmm...I confess, I loved Georg's voice ;)

Tuesday, November 7th 2006 - 06:01:05 PM

E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Message: Hallo Katrin,
wir begrüßen Dich recht herzlich als neues Mitglied in unserem unabhängigen, freien Musik(er)Forum, bei dem es um alles rund um Musik geht und wünschen Dir, dass Du Dich bei uns sehr wohl fühlst
und uns noch einiges Interessante über Deine Lieblingsgruppe berichtest!
Liebe Grüße
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): One drink too many

Wednesday, November 15th 2006 - 08:12:14 PM

Name: Eric
E-mail address:
Message: Great website love reading and browsing through it checking out the album lists etc
I've already e mailed Katrin with this but I'll ask all of you Sailor fans who read this.
I'm trying to get hold of a CD version/copy of the first Sailor album made in 1974.
I've got a cassette version of it but want it on CD.
It apparently came out on Sony Music No 4694452 but I've tried various outlets trying get a copy of it but without any joy.
Is there anyone out there who can help.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): all the tracks on the first album especially "Open up the door" and of course "Girls and A glass of Champagne"

Sunday, November 26th 2006 - 10:27:28 PM

Name: Malte
E-mail address: malte.aronsson (at)
Message: Hello everybody!

I am a big fan of SAILOR since it's start in the 70-ies! All songs are great music, but I believe the song "A Glass Of Champagne" is the best.

I wonder if someone out there knows whether or not it is (still) possible to have the autographs of the members of the band.

I remember their concert at Konserthuset in Göteborg (Gothenburg) in the beginning of the 80-ies, there were two guys playing on this big instrumental thing that give that special sound of Sailor, I remember it was kind of a dual instrument - the guys stood on each side of the machine and were playing simultaneously - well I don't know what kind of instrument that was, I never saw such a thing before, and never later. Probably a 'home-made' thing.

Anyone who could tell more about that machine and or autographs - may be there is a postal address.

Very nice dreambook!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): A Glass Of Champagne, Girls, Girls, Girls!

Tuesday, December 19th 2006 - 10:10:20 PM

Name: Brian Wood
E-mail address:
Message: Happy Birthday Georg !!

Monday, January 8th 2007 - 08:08:21 PM

Name: Thomas Schakat
E-mail address:
Message: Hi Sailor fans,
I`m a Sailor fan of the first hour, since 1974. I would like to enter into contact with other Sailor fans from all the world. Yes, perhaps somebody is interested.

Best wishes
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Give me shakespeare, All I need is a girl, La cumbia

Friday, January 12th 2007 - 09:45:30 PM

Name: Russ Horton
E-mail address:
Message: What a fabulous website..we played one of your great old songs recently and its always great to see what you guys are up to.Hope you get some hits guys!
Memories Are Free
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): I play them all!

Tuesday, January 30th 2007 - 10:12:20 PM

Name: Andrea
E-mail address:
Message: (ref. to entry f. Nov. 2006:) "Xenia"! Daniela Zellich!!! Gee, great to see long lost contacts signing this guestbook!!!! Will def get back in touch.

Anyway, hi to K + K. See you sometime somewhere.

All the best, A.
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Jacaranda

Sunday, February 25th 2007 - 02:23:57 AM

Name: Andrea
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Message: Ahoi Katrin!
Es freut mich, dass Du Verwendung für meine Fotos gefunden hast. Und vielen Dank für den Link zu meiner Seite! Es hat mich sehr gefreut Dich kennen zu lernen und ich hoffe, SAILOR und die Tremeloes laufen bald mal wieder den gleichen Hafen an, so dass wir uns auch wieder treffen. Ganz liebe Grüße,
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): The Secretary, Vera from Veracruz, Blame it on the Soft Spot, A Glass of Champagne

Saturday, April 28th 2007 - 02:01:02 PM

Name: Elisabeth
E-mail address:
Message: Hi Katrin, thank you for this great website!
I'm a Sailor-Fan since I heard "Glass of Champagne" on the radio in the 1970's. How time flies.....
In April I had the great opportunity to see the boys live on stage in Landshut. After having had a bad blow I could spend a wonderful time and be happy for a while after all.
I still like this kind of music Sailor does. Go on like this!
Greatings from Bavaria!
Your favourite SAILOR song(s): Panama, La Cumbia, Secretary, Blame it on the soft spot

Friday, May 18th 2007 - 11:08:00 PM

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