Some of
the first comments about "Buried Treasure":
- "What a
wonderful compilation! Very marvellous!"
- "I thought I had
heard just about all there was to hear from them.
How wrong I was! This album is like listening to
4 or 5 different bands! Can there be a more
adaptable or talented band still going
- "An absolutely
fantastic album and well worth the long
wait! Every single track is a gem."
- At long las the
'booty' has arrived, and the SAILORs have done us
proud! Long overdue, but very,very welcome! Well
done SAILOR."
- "What a superb
anthology of SAILOR's work. I especially liked
the experimental tracks and the 'TV Land'
- "Lovely to
discover tracks I hadn't heard before, as well as
listening to the more familiar ones. The 'Hi Ho
Silver' tracks, which I hadn't heard for years
and years, and which I still remember, are a
special treat. What more can I say, but,
'Marvellous'! Better get cracking on Volumes 3
and 4, boys!"
- "The CD cover
and artwork for the anthology set is quite
appealing to the eye. The track notes are
informative, concise and intelligently
- "Listening to
the band members contributions on this 2 CD set
is a greatly refreshing experience. Everything,
though often musically disparate, is brought
together nicely when you consider all of the band
members have contributed in some way."
- "If I listen to
the album carefully and imagine, how many
right-owners there are, I can imagine what hard
work it was and how much money it took to release
this unique anthology, thank you very much
- "Listening to
Buried Treasure is a great pleasure, you can here
the differences beetween the different aeras and,
I must say that, a 12-String can never be
replaced by an electric guitar with sound
processor and the sound of the acoustic
honky-tonk piano of the original Nickelodeon can
not be reproduced by the syntesizer piano."
- "I have received
my Buried Treasure and a treasure it is.
Marvelous packaging too. Great selection of
songs, many I haven't heard. Every new version I
hear of these songs are like new ones to me.
Doesn't matter who is singing them, they are
always fabulous. I am also becoming a real fan of
Phil's singing and song writing. Well done
- "Buried Treasure
- of course, a real SAILOR fan puts the spade
away, pushes the sailor's cap a little further to
the back and uses the end of his neckerchief to
wipe the sweat off his forehead, feeling like
raising a treasure when he opens the envelope
that has just arrived from England. A treasure
chest full of sparkling, glittering jewles of pop
music - long awaited and now here at last. But is
Buried Treasure really just a treasure chest? No!
I have been the proud owner of this double-CD for
a week now and this comparison is not enought.
For me there is a lot more than the contents of a
rotten wooden box. Buried Treasure is a book full
of new colourful stories about life in its whole
variety, a new formula for the explanation of the
world, a panorama-painting using the complete
colour palette, or, to return to the nautical
topic: the discovery of a new continent, a huge
and wild new ocean!
- "Buried Treasure
- it's your own fault if you miss it! Thank you,
Please post whatever you
have to say about the album at the Forum where we have a special thread
about the album (or e-mail us at!